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"Lord God" (?)

The name of God in japanese.

"Oh my Kami-Sama!"

by Dave April 4, 2004

41👍 7👎

Kami G

a daredevil with a heart full of confidence and charisma. Kami G is spontaneous and sexy, with a voice that ricochets in the whole room. Kami G will warm your whole soul with her loving nature and continues to keep the life of the party going. She never disappoints and can get rowdy AF in crowds but you love her every time for her silly antics. Kami G knows when to get serious and when it’s silly and sexy time. If you know Kami G, your life is so much more fun and worth living!

Here she comes that Kami G, always full of surprises. That’s my kochana!

by livlaughlearnp January 4, 2021

Kami tenchi

A very haxed omnipotent god of the harem Series Tenchi Muyo! This guy created a kid as his avatar of himself and can basically kick the shit out of any fictional character.

Kami Tenchi is a god his avatar is 14 year old tenchi masaki.

by trollumad May 29, 2011

14👍 7👎


verb (esp. of an Asian person)
to walk directly towards another person due to distraction while texting.

I was walking around town this morning and two Asian guys kami-texted on me.

by Denver Wagner November 20, 2014

kami arre

kami arre is a person who simps for hisoka, kenma, and hooni.

kami arre likes hooni

by nat✨🐱 November 7, 2020


Kami come in all different shapes and colours.

Kami is referred to spirits from the shinto religion. example, kitsune, tanuki, gashadokuro or rokurokubi.

gami is referred to as gods in the shinto religion . example, amaterasu, Tsukuyomi, Izanami or Izanagi

Gami are more powerful then kami

by Black opal June 6, 2019

Toni and Kami

a really cute couple in the minecraft youtube twitter community

"Have you seen Toni and Kami? they're amazing!"

by wwwowhsjbwjsbwjdbrjf December 17, 2020