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M3 Lee

The M3 Lee was a medium tank in the US army after realizing they needed better tanks and the demand from the UK for mediums tanks was also a factor, but despite what people say like "Oh my God M3 Lee sucks!!!111!!1!ONE1!!1!!1" The M3 Lee could hold its own despite its flaws in armor and other factors.

Person 1: OMG M3 LEE SUCKS!!!!!!!111!!1!!ONE!!1!!1!
Person 2: skill issue lmao

by Have I told you the story of E September 19, 2022


When your boyfriend is drunk out of his mind and lowkey becomes a fuckboy

"Yeah Noah was a real M3$$ at the party last night. He started stripping until he was wearing only a santa hat."
"Jesus Christ"

by awesomerose611 November 4, 2017

sniper m3

An oddball Kirby/Eva loving guy who spends way too much time on RuneScape. Owns Castle Wars.

randomnub233: ffs i just got ownt at see double you again.
Sniper M3: *with flag* Keh Keh...

by Sir Doober December 31, 2007

M3 Stuart

A small, mid-war tank used in WW2

Person 1: "ay, yo got any M5 stuarts?"

Person 2: "No, we got M3 Stuarts tho"

by ORA! December 28, 2021


That car from Need for Speed Most Wanted.

“I want every single unit after the guy.” “Everyone?” “EVERYONE!” “The BMW M3 GTR from Need for Speed

by fixinggood July 29, 2023