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a feeling of pensive sadness, typically with no obvious cause.

"an air of melancholy surrounded him"

by copy and paste from google :D August 12, 2022


Melancholy isn't despair, anger or depression. It is a wise accommodation with griefs, large and small, of existence. It is a commitment to face difficulties without rage or violence.

The melancholy person knows how tragic life can be. But greets sadness with stoicism, courage and quiet strength. Melancholy is not an illness to be cured. It is the wisest way to greet the folly of the world. It is an achievement.

There are melancholy skies, faces, times of day and pieces of music.

by Tomas_649 July 7, 2017


A feeling of sadness or Disappointment

I feel very melancholy when when people think Ireland is apart of Britain BECAUSE IT FUCKING ISNT LEARN HISTORY YOU TWAT

by Not Bobbi Cahill April 4, 2021


Melancholy is a heavy feeling of sadness and nostalgia mixed up together. Most of the time, melancholy comes without a exact reason, it can last minutes, hours, and even days or weeks.

an air of melancholy came between her and the sea.

by cursumperficio April 8, 2022

Melancholy Man

Some people say that I'm a melancholy man
When all is said and done

It's just the way I am
The sun is blazing as I wander into town
A long grey overcoat which trails along the ground
And when I'm walking past the children in the park
They stop their games, they shout my name
And run behind my back
If only they could see how happy I can be
But sometimes they must look away

Or so it seems to me
I think I'll always be a melancholy man
I know when all is said and done
It's just the way I am
But if you have the time

Please listen while you can
Does anybody understand?
I'll always be a melancholy man

The sky is blue today
Here in your nowhere land
And how are you today, my melancholy man?
You saw us looking through a window of a bus
We smiled at you but you didn't smile at us
And when you're old and grey
Your days are at an end
You'll wish that you had someone who
You could call a friend
Yet only I can see how happy you can be
Oh, sometimes they must look away
Or so it seems to me
I think I'll always be a melancholy man
I know when all is said and done
It's just the way I am
But if you have the time

Please listen while you can
Does anybody understand?
I'll always be a melancholy man

When all is said and done, my melancholy man
The sky is blue today, my melancholy man
"And when no hope was left in sight
On that starry, starry night
You took your life as lovers often do
But I could have told you, Vincent
This world was never meant for one as beautiful as you"
As beautiful as you, my melancholy man

by Death Menace June 11, 2023


Affected with or showing mournful depressed. Causing sadness, soberly, thoughtful; pensive.

James showed a melancholiness look spread across his face

by Unwanteddgg April 26, 2019

Melancholy Hour

When you want to drink alcohol because you feel depressed. (10:00 - 11:00)

Oh boy. Would you look at the time. It's Melancholy Hour. *sobs while attempting to drink*

by bonelesspizza June 17, 2017