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missouri tuxedo

When a man wears a sportcoat or blazer with jeans.

Yeah, since it was a company jeans day, my buddy was thinking he'd go with a canadien tuxedo for his meeting with the CEO, but his wife told him he should at least wear a Missouri Tuxedo to avoid looking like a douche.

by torque boy December 23, 2011

47πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Missouri Cannonball

Materials Needed:
funnel, balloon, mixing bowl, wooden spoon

Pinch a glorious loaf in a glass mixing bowl of your choice. Add urine, then use a wooden spoon to work it into a soupy solution. Inflate the balloon by mouth, then insert the funnel into the opening of the balloon and pour the solution in while trying to keep as much air contained as possible. To maximize efficiency, the truly daring may choose to blow extra air into the balloon after the fecal matter has neen added. Tie the balloon (or "cannonball," if you will), then hide it where you will be engaging in sexual intercourse with your significant other.

While boofing your partner from behind, discretely retrieve the cannonball from its hiding spot. Arm yourself by holding the balloon high above your head with two hands. Suddenly, pull out without saying a word. When your partner turns around, unleash your battle cry: "YAHTZEE!" Quickly hurl the cannonball at their face, popping the balloon, releasing the soupy fecal matter, and thus concluding your relationship.

Brad: "Hey Jack, what happened to you and Steph? I heard you two broke up."
Jack: "Well, she was pissing me off so I decided to hit her with the good ol' Missouri Cannonball."
Brad: "Hoez will be hoez."
Jack: "Real talk" *high five*

by scrambangles November 18, 2012

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trenton missouri

A place you go to let your hopes and dreams die.

Trenton Missouri is a blackhole, no happiness can escape it.

by Esquire III October 15, 2017

missouri wheelbarrow

When a woman plows a dude in the ass while holding his legs and he walks across the room on his hands.

Candice wad thrilled when her husband requested a missouri wheelbarrow on valentines day.

Steve said he feels closest to his wife when she gives him a missouri wheelbarrow.

After receiving a blumpkin, Joe thought it would be only fitting to let Crystal give him a missouri wheelbarrow .

by McBiscuit10 February 14, 2015

Missouri Pretty

Some teeth, a couple of kids, old trailer, rusty Jeep, fading tattoos, two pack a day habit, 38 hour a week job, lives in sweat pants, almost graduated high school, and is ready for another try at rehab.

β€œI got sooooooo hammered last night I made a pass at Brandi the Beast.”
β€œOMG, the Missouri Pretty one with the frizzy blonde dye job and the missing front tooth?”
β€œYep, that’s her.”

by boonviller December 10, 2021

Missouri chrome

slang for duct tape

Hand me the Missouri chrome, would ya? This panel ain't staying in place.

by allthecoolpseudonymsaretaken August 26, 2011

24πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

missouri flamethrower

When a man ejaculates onto a plate and heats it in the microwave until burning hot. He then throws the scalding hit semen on his waiting women's face causing her severe burns.

Dude after I gave her a Missouri flamethrower she had to go to the emergency room and get treated for 2nd degree burns.

by Missouri Flamethrower May 29, 2014

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