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A Latin ending to a word indicating a question. Adopted into internet slang, although is only used for certain kinds of questions.

Normal: "Is that awesome, or is that awesome?"

Alternate: "Awesome, ne?

by purple-tangerine October 6, 2009

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Ne Ne Papa

"Ne ne papa" is a common sentence said by italy on "Hetalia: Axis Powers" at the ending.

Italy: "Ne ne papa wain choudai (Hey hey papa, can I have some wine?)"

by IHaveALotOfFreeTime October 9, 2018


Simply means yes no. The sayer will have the option later to clarify it as yes or no depending on how current circumstance requires.

Donnie, when asked if he wanted to proceed, answered with โ€œnesโ€. He later clarified to his supporters he meant yes while also reassuring his critics that he meant no.

by DaZmanBob July 31, 2018

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NE means nose exhale, because when you see an funny thing on the internett, thats really the only thing you're doing. Instead of LOL, you write NE

*scrolling down reddit, when suddenly a wild joke appears* Why do black people only have nightmares? Because we killed the only one with a dream. NE

by Brutz April 7, 2016

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will ne

Person with a square head

By gum that will ne has a reat big square head

by Gottya bitch March 6, 2019

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(1) A virgin selling herself for a new drum.

(2) Sacrificing for the greater good.

We need new quads. We could really use a Sha-Ne-Ne right now.

by drummmergurlz November 3, 2010


A mysterious person that irony instagram account "dookybruh3" is begging to find the identity of. Very often asks the question "who tf is ne" nobody knows who ne is

dookybruh3: "who tf is ne"
hoodpooper: "nigga idk you tell me"

by instagramironyhistory March 27, 2020

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