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November 16th

November 16th is national someone ask out Kali day.

"Hey, it's November 16th Kali."
"Yeah today is national ask me out day."
"Will you go out with me?"

by vynetti November 16, 2021

November 16th

Kiss your bf/gf day

November 16th

by Pix punchy November 7, 2021

November 16th

national throw your very tall friend named Ava down the stairs day.

you: hey ava it’s november 16th
ava: imma head out

by analwithmydog February 16, 2020

November 16th

National match with your partner day!
Match by wearing the same colors or genre of clothing.

Kylie: Hey boo, guess what day it is…
John: Ahh, it’s November 16th already?

by TurkeyPeni5 November 16, 2021

November 16th

November 16th is the anniversary of a dumbass and a smarter dumbass getting together

It’s November 16th! The anniversary of **** and. *******.

by Not that much of a human November 12, 2022

November 16th

National L'manberg day

"Oh it's November 16th roday!" "o7 I've heard there was a special place.."

by Yushirone February 21, 2022

November 16th

Today is the day to facetime that one person that has your heart!!

Harry: i’m gonna ft alexis

Louis: why bro she doesn’t even like you?
Harry: i’m doing it cause it’s november 16th, the day to ft your crush/gf/bf!

by cupid2019._. November 16, 2019