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Natuna Islands

Malaysian islands located between Peninsular Malaysia and Borneo, but is illegally occupied by Indonesia. People of Natuna are part of Terengganu people, and they speak Terengganu dialect. It's nothing related to Indonesia. Indonesia should give back the islands to Malaysia.

Natuna Islands is a part of Malaysia, not Indonesia!

by Warga Malaysia July 3, 2022

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Island Kid

An Island Kid is a kid who lives on an island near mainland, one who is almost always spoiled and will snitch on anyone, including their friends.

They're found mostly in groups of three, varying in sizes, they're not smart, and don't get any humour besides crap and piss jokes.
Don't be threatened by them, unless your teacher is an Island Teacher, just avoid them because they're always right.

"Dude, Quintin is such a fucking Island Kid dude, he got me suspended for getting him out in 4-square, Fuck him dude."

by Cooper Hand September 22, 2019

Disappointment island

An island where high schoolers go after finals exams are over

After finals me and my entire high school went to disappointment island

by Kidswillbekids May 17, 2019

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future islands

the most epic band in the universe. the singer is made of tin. the sounds of their music permeating out of their p.a. system is so fertile that it will instantaneously impregnate any female within a 20 mile radius.

friend1:"we're going to a future islands show tonight"

friend2:"you're going to be reborn."

by tianash July 31, 2010

xanzibar island

1. A paradise island one can travel to with xanax filling their sails.

2. A state of consciousness induced by high doses (not overdoses) of the benzodiazepine alprazolam (xanax).

Bernard: "Who's that girl over there? She looks like a zombie...like she doesn't have a care in the world!"

Fanny: "Oh, that's Lenina. She's usually pretty lively and devilishly pneumatic, but today she set sail for xanzibar island"

Bernard: "Oh my, that saucy lass!"

by Tropical Thunder October 22, 2010

Study Island

What teachers dump on their students to prepare them for standardized tests instead of taking the time to review the material with their students. Easy to cheat using answers.com

Mike: I hate study island!! These questions must be rigged!!

Sarah: Just copy and paste the the questions on to answers.com. It usually has the answer.

by Study Island Hater February 4, 2011

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FT Island

A kpop band consisting of 5 boys. leader/guitarist: choi jong hoon, lead singer: lee hongki, rapper/guitarist: song seug hyun, bassist/vocalist:lee jae jin, drummer: choi min hwan.

FT Island is the best!

by ayoob April 26, 2010

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