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Oz Media

Oz Media, also known as Ozzy Wozzy, is an American reddit youtuber from Idaho, belived to be in the Boise area. He is also a member of the permanent collab channel Sad Milk. Oz's personalty is very wholesome, but also aggresive. One of the biggest inside jokes regarding Oz is that he abuses his desk, which comes from the many clips where he can be heard aggresively slamming his desk. Oz is also considered to be (atleast out of the four current Milkmen) the most wholesome, with his most wholesome moments being in his 50k subs QnA video. He Also has a TTS mi̶n̶i̶o̶n̶ Little Brother named Mini Oz, whos main running gag is being a consipracy theriost.

Me: Hey, do you watch Oz Media?
Person: Yeah, I love Oz! He's amazing!

by ISimpForAPHNorwayAndOzMedia December 2, 2020

rizzard of oz

when you have a large amount of rizz, and are capable of using it on anyone

“person 1: bro how’d u get that hot girls number?”
“person 2: you know me bro im the rizzard of oz

by i<3money January 22, 2023

27👍 3👎

Going to Oz

Using Ozempic to lose weight.

Kim looks great!

Yeah, she’s been going to Oz.

by Ballsheimers August 24, 2023

40 oz

certain size of beer sold in a larger bottle. drinking one is like drinking 3 and a half beers.

ay while you're at the liqour store, grab me a 40 oz.

by skys the limit July 11, 2008

208👍 39👎

Superfast Oz

Member at Neoseeker.com that used to be a respectable, hard-working moderator but now acts like a jackass at every opportunity and makes a fool out of himself regularly.

Did you see that jackass Superfast Oz post in Loungin' again saying that Neoseeker was shit? What a loser!

by Neoseeker February 5, 2005

132👍 28👎

The Wizard of Oz

A great series of book but most remembered as the 1939 film. Its one of the most cherish movies. Back in the 40s, grown ups would watch the movie just to get their minds of the war.

The Wizard of Oz has music, color and no color, munshkins, Good Witch, bad witch, and s crazy characters, A scarecrow with no brains, A Tin Man with no heart, and a Lion with no courage. A Wizard who can grant their wishes if a task is complete, and a rememberable line "There's no place like home". Cause home kicks ass.

by Alan Massacre April 14, 2008

48👍 11👎

Dr. Oz

Senile old doctor that turns the smallest little factor into a huge catastrophe on his show. The stupidest things become the biggest threats (see schmalfuss). If you suffer from agoraphobia and one day plan on returning back to the real world, do not watch this show. You'll be even more paranoid than ever.

Dr. Oz: Today on my show, we'll be discussing the dangers of Anthrax. If I were to throw Anthrax down a street, everyone from a mile from it that inhales it may die.

Me: Um... ok

Dr. Oz: Today on my show, we'll be discussing the dangers of DDT. This stuff man, could kill you man.

Me: Yeah, in like 70 years ¬_¬

by Raw Doggy April 4, 2010

209👍 58👎