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Jakob Potts

A man with a forehead bigger than his dick. Balls sag lower than his standards. It takes a Jake Potts a total of 37 seconds to ejaculate & think of his next lie. God like complex. Takes no responsibility.

I have to take a Jakob Potts. 💩

by Cheatercheaterpumpkineater April 5, 2023

Super Pott

Pott endowed with powers greater than that of the average Pott.

Super Pott - makes you go higher than before

by Spott August 10, 2008

Samuel Potts

An good CP bio lab partner, he looks at cars with you and phones, also making the most expensive things on websites. And is very nice, has cold hands but fails class with you.

My lab partner is a Samuel Potts

by samuel potts lover 2.0 October 19, 2021

Izzy Potts

A Kim Kardashian look alike, if Kim kardashian melted slightly. Izzy can be one of the funniest people you know, but like her father she has gas issues.

Guy1: why are you throwing up?
Guy2: Izzy potts cupcaked me

by Guest22 October 24, 2023

Brad potts

A football player who received lots of backlash for excreting on a car, he was slated for a long time however Preston North End love him and has now acquired the chant “he’ll shit on your car”

Brad Potts scored an astronomical karate kick goal, what a legend

I hope Brad Potts excretes on my car.

by CheddyEvans69 December 22, 2022

Logan potts

thicc boi

hey its Logan potts
StUcK iN tHe DoOr

by Pebo the german hypocrite December 11, 2018