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preacher creature

a cocky religious freak (usually christian)constantly scoping out groups at public places to force there religion on them. they aproach with a freindly yet cheesy disposition, trying to be your freind and asuming theres somthing missing in your life. (also known to sneak into punk shows to express there opinion to those they think are living lives of darkness.)they usually beleive any athiest or independent thinker needs to be "saved". they can be dealt with by ignoring and walking away, or crushing them with your own thoughts and beleifs, usually leaving them speechless to respond.

Christian- "You are all living lives of darkness and need to be saved"

punks- "Go home preacher creature."

by skank89 June 28, 2006

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preacher guards

An elite guard that protect preachers from any hostility.
Will attack the protester if the protester uses physical force on a preacher.
So if you are triggered that a preacher is hating on you for being a lgbt, just walk away because any sudden movement from you will set the guard or guards off.

The preacher guards are rarely found in anti lgbt movements because of their aggressiveness.

by The def master November 8, 2019

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during rear-entry coitus (doggy-style)--most typically unprotected intercourse where the receiving party (the "catcher") has either inferred or implicitly stated that the "preacher" refrains from filling him/her with their "holy water", the person doing the penetration, upon reaching an orgasm shouts:


note: emphasis should be placed on the usage of a southern accent and a quick (but hard) push onto the head of the "church goer" upon yelling "Shazam!"

variants include: "going televaginalist" , "pulling a preacher", "going preacher" or "baptist"

Preacher: "dude, me and Sharon were screwing last night and I so pulled a Preacher-Man on her...she got so pissed because she told me she wasn't on the pill anymore"

"so, I heard you screwed Sharon, as soon as you two got back together...(?)"

Preacher: "Yeah, man, I so went televaginalist on that @$$"

"Oh, word?"

Preacher: "totally...she still has a sore neck. I think I gave her whiplash...but luckily she isn't mad at me anymore."

by MADAOXCHAN July 18, 2009

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backseat preacher

When someone tells you what to believe in without going into any detail, or getting any consent from you to do so in the first place.

Man 1: "You have to believe that it happened!"
Man 2: "Stop being such a backseat preacher! I never asked to you to tell me what to believe!"

by Justin Wilkinson May 12, 2006

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Preacher Rape

What Catholic priest do to little boys

"I would love to preacher rape that Valero girl."
"Dude that's sick as fuck."

by Hdjfkf January 27, 2019

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paper preacher

Anyone who preaches the word of the Lord for more and more of that paper (money).

Friend: Hey! Did you read that great self-help book by (millionaire televangelist type)?
Me: No way, I don't take advice from no paper preacher!

by Mwahahahahahaha! December 19, 2013

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Manic Street Preachers

Welsh rock band formed in 1986. They were hugely succesful in the mid and late 90's. Their biggest anythem is argued to be the track A Design For Life which reached number 2 in the charts.

Other huge hits include:
Everything Must Go - 1995 - #5
If You Tolerate This Your Children Will Be Next - 1998 - #1
You Stole The Sun From My Heart - 1999 - #5
The Love of Richard Nixon - 2004 - #2
Empty Souls - 2005 - #2

Manic Street Preachers friggen rock

by Urban Dictionary July 28, 2005

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