Source Code

sock profit

Sock profit is worked out from the following equation.

X = the number of similarly coloured socks strewn on the floor of your house before a friend comes to visit

Y = the number of socks that you are left with after they mix your generic black socks up with their own socks during packing or washing. The party who has the most illegitimate socks gains SOCK PROFIT.

Ben: Hey, there were 3 pairs of my black socks on the floor before you packed up, now there is 1!
Michael: ?!.....SOCK PROFIT!

by Wildcardnz February 6, 2009

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Jim Profit

A shrewd, cunning, ruthless and manipulating individual. This is often used in the context of the corporate world but it can apply to any sphere of life. The name is derived from the TV show PROFIT, whose lead character is Jim Profit.

Man, our vice-president sure is a Jim Profit.

by Santosh George May 22, 2006

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Profit (tm)

A rank in SUKI (tm), The New World Religion (tm). Refers to not only the financial affairs of SUKI (tm), but also to an individual who can bring great wisdom or money to the organization.

SUKI (tm) has Profits (tm).

by pitz May 30, 2005

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not for monetary gain...but for public service. However, does allocate small funds (through fundraising) to help worthwhile causes. Does not exlude members of the public.

The student sold magazines, to allocate funds for their non-profit school.

Some people create certain non-profit 'labels' to promote awareness for worthwhile causes, that benefit society as a whole.

by Alaphabet Soup October 22, 2007

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profitable pilfering

To steal things compulsively that you will not use at the moment, but as your collection grows, you will find them rather useful.

Profitable pilfering is Melia and Shaqueera's favorite past-time.

by MeliaCobain May 25, 2007

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Used to describe an individual whose soul objective is the pursuit of high profit-margins. Often this results in shady, but pathetic business sales of playground contraband, i.e. cookies

T-Bry: Oi, sklep, gimme a cookie, boi
Dam: 50p, up front
T-Bry: Calm down, profit-margins, I got the cash

by Genius of the Restoration November 22, 2011

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Turn a Profit

/tษ™rn a prรคfษ™t/

To make money; to make a profit from a particular venture.

We're going to have to close the shop if we don't turn a profit again this quarter.
We broke even again, but I think we will turn a profit next quarter.

by Kewk January 3, 2020