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Regards is a "Polite" term used when you want to scream "FUCKK OFF" in an email to your superiors.

"Kind Regards, ******"

by Destiiiellll December 11, 2021


Ever since websites banned retard, this became its synonym.

Bought at the top, sold at the bottom. Must be very regarded.

by Heosus_dad August 28, 2022

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Often followed by “Robert Tomarelli,” it is used by aging rec league softball players to demonstrate their compassionate side, which is often overshadowed by their competitive side (yelling at teammates)

Teammate: I couldn’t catch the fucking ball today
The Regarder: That’s okay, you still played a good game. Regards, Robert Tomarelli

by BowserTheJawn June 5, 2023


When somemone is regarded.

'Regard. I have been regarded'

by SadLad98 November 21, 2020

Regarding Death

Regarding Death is a manhwa about the concept of death.

Hey man, have you read Regarding Death? It was really sad.
Nah, not yet. I’ll try it out soon.

by literalwhy July 25, 2021