Source Code

Separating church and state

When one's genitals stick to their leg while sitting in a hot/humid atmosphere and a brief spreading of the legs is necessary. Separation can be accomplished with the mode stated above or manually(and more obvious) with your hands.

After getting out of the car during a five hour road trip, separating church and state was necessary for little Muhammad due to hot and humid conditions.

by HXB July 15, 2009

36๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

separation of church and state

The seperation of church and state is implied in the 1st amendment with "Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise therof." This means that the state cannot force children to go to a public school or have a state based church. This is to protect everyone's religious views to the extent it does not harm another.

Buses can take kids to parochial and public schools becuase it is in the best interest of the children to have that transportation, but it cannot require a reciting of a prayer.

by K December 15, 2003

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Shit Fart Separator

AKA SFS The shit fart separator is the divice inside your ass that separates your shit from your farts. Without this divice everything turns into a shart.

Dude are you trying to fart.
No man im testing my shit fart separator.

by RedlegArtillerymen August 21, 2008

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Titty Separation

When a women's tits are so saggy that they are basically two seperate islands floating in the wind

Guy 1: Did you see Margaret at the party yesterday
Guy 2: Ya, her age has really gained her a bad case of Titty Separation

by 420BlazinBilly March 21, 2015

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Separation of Church and State

Separation of Church and State is an ideology protecting religious freedom by ensuring government does not interfere to favor or disfavor private religious establishments so long as they practice without violating another's individual rights. The clause also protects from churches and other religious organizations interfering with government practices in an attempt to remove religious freedom so as to favor their beliefs. This clause proposes a metaphorical wall between government and religious establishments, unlike the one-way street idea proposed by fanatical religious theocrats.

Wiccan: You can't limit my freedom to worship in peace. We have separation of Church and State.

Radical Fundamentalist: No you don't! That clause represents a one-way street. Government is not to interfere with churches but churches can control the government and limit the rights of non-believers!

Wiccan: I hear Iran is lovely this time of year.

by Secularist June 20, 2011

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7th degree of separation

Person/organisation who claims an association to you or a network with which you are associated (i.e. recruiter who asks to join your LinkedIn network in order to gain access to friends and colleagues without your knowledge/approval) purely for personal or financial gain.

I really don't know that guy; he's 7th degree of separation. Don't give him anything.

by Daniel Ponech December 5, 2006

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Drone Separation Anxiety

The horrible feeling you get when:
1. You see your drone developing a mind of its own and flying back to mainland China where it was begotten.
2. When you forget your drone(s) at work and to go get them is a hassle.
3. When your partner drags you to the Opera and you'd rather be flying your drones.
4. When you can't sleep thinking you have not properly charged the drone batteries for the next day's flight.
5. When your classes drag on & on and all you're thinking is locking in some GPS and soaring.

I left my micro drones at work and now, I'm having drone separation anxiety!

by Correction January 24, 2019