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a thot name. that sounds like she is cute but she is thin as hell!!!

stop it u sj

by fgfdsgg November 18, 2019


cute asian curly hair guy loves green color is the man of everyones dreams. not gay but he gets a lap dance by guys on a daily basis. he is caring and funny.

random: oh my goddddddd hes literally the cutest man everrr
random2: yeah hes such a sj

by boomboomyoyoyo November 7, 2022


jus a leng guy

" tht guy is SJ

by SAV_SJ August 25, 2019


Someone who thinks they got original ideas, but just take other people’s worl

Shauniel is such an SJ

by supersenior2019 September 27, 2019


curly hair asian guy who is adorable handsome everything that a good boyfriend has is IN him he is cute get a sj but not my sj he is also obsessed with green so just give him grass for his birthday he will love u

rando: omg hes literally the man of my dreams...
rando2: yeah hes such a SJ

by November 7, 2022


Simple Jack
A person who holds doors open

You are so SJ

by Blyat Suka Nahui April 14, 2021

SJS Server

A discord and minecraft server full of massive faggots. They make cocks and they are nazis

"Did you hear about the opening of the SJS Server"

"Couldnt care less they are fucking cunts"

by fuuso March 12, 2021