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A techno-tantrum takes a while to build up. It's most often caused by extreme frustration with uncooperative electronic devices. It's usually punctuated by a techno-scream. It's a state of mind there's almost no coming down from.

My first attempt to file my taxes online resulted in a huge techno-tantrum!

by pozzie June 13, 2017


A perverse fantasy conservative columnist George Will has about President Obama and the debt crisis. In reality, cum-tantrums are usually the messy result of too much tea-bagging going on in the House of Representatives.

Eric Cantor had a cum-tantrum and stormed out of the debt talks.

by Joan of Snark July 28, 2011


verb. The collection of loud, obnoxious noises, and motions that come from a teenager whose cell phone has been turned off, stopped working, or confiscated.

My daughter is having a 'Cell-tantrum' her phone has been off for a week.

by jtkds300 September 30, 2009

Tantrum Politicizing

When a person lashes out about an issue and when asked if they could define it, they are unable to do so. Their action is therefore tantrum politicizing.

A person posts an article with raging comments, with a tone of throwing a fit.

Question: "What it is it that upsets you so much about the president?"
Statement: "I like a sane president".

Follow up questions: "Can you define what a sane president means to you"?
Answer: crickets....or "go and play some music....don't bother to comment...bye...."

The person is tantrum politicizing.

by Sasulka June 6, 2020

Tina tantrum

An elevated version of your general tantrum. You DO NOT want to be in the vicinity if a person is having it, and should leave immediately. Basically, a regular tantrum is like drizzle compared to the hurricane of a Tina tantrum.

Brace yourself, that bitch is having a Tina tantrum

by sandyyyy.cheeks April 22, 2017

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Tantrum Dance

A multi limbed expression of extreme frustration usually accompanied with a high pitched scream making parents think they are raising an alien.

When Julie was denied a second cookie, she performed a tantrum dance in an unsuccessful attempt to change mommy's mind.

by bill4321 February 5, 2014

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Temple Tantrum

When a person throws a fit (a.k.a. tantrum) inside of a place of worship

Church Goer 1: "Man, did you see that little girl today in church?"

Church Goer 2: "Ya, that was SUCH a temple tantrum"

Church Goer 1: "Her loud, disruptive temple tantrum is making me want to switch religions!"

by Bergasado December 9, 2012

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