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a stubborn smartass that can't resist indulging in sleep, food, tv shows or... anything really

(also the best zodiac sign)

person 1: stop being so stubborn
perosn 2: i'm a taurus, it's not my fault

by proste_natka December 3, 2019

2๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


A zodiac sign

The people who have it are the most beautiful powerful cool people

Those motherfuckers are the best people to be


He is a badass... he must be a Taurus

by Licensed gay fucker May 5, 2020

5๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person born between April 20th - May 20th who values money more than the people, they are stingy, stubborn bastards who will never find someone to love them.

From Yahoo answers and Elsa boards

Taurus - They are easy to fall to. Be very cautious, especially with money.

by From Anonymous March 25, 2012

26๐Ÿ‘ 120๐Ÿ‘Ž


To the moron Johnny Forbidden. first u know shit about cars. there is no such thing as an inline V4! It's either an inline 4 or a V4(but no cars have 'em today). Secondly they suck! I rode in one the seat belt broke and wouldn't move. AMERICAN CARS ARE SHIT! I love this land but the cars suck. They are a rip off. If u can get a taurus, just save up for a year and buy the Benz c230 kompressor coupe. It kix its pussy rear!

by "Fake dicks are cool" June 23, 2003

15๐Ÿ‘ 99๐Ÿ‘Ž


Taurus's can be stubborn but kind, some people say that Taurus's don't like to be in the spotlight or don't constantly need some sort of attention or they aren't grabby but they are sometimes and that's normal the Taurus zodiac sign goes through April 20th through May 20th. They are two faced and sometimes have really bad anger issues. They can be heart breakers if you break their heart first, for example if they say they like you and you say you like a specific person they will literally STEAL the person you like away from you, they are also a bit physcotic they plan to kill people that annoy them, so remember to be kind to Taurus's or they will demolish you.

"I was born on May the 19th therefore I am a Taurus"

by I'mLesbieanGirlsYay May 23, 2021

2๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


someone born between april 20-may 20. some usual characteristics of a taurus are(btw, this isnt for all taurus's, everyone is different):
-some are artistic (Many taurus's are gifted in painting or singing)others however work well in the banking industry
-loyal (usually not one to cheat in relationships)
-self indulgent
-warm hearted

either way, whether this is like you or not(or a taurus you know), we all have good and bad parts of us-nothing to be ashamed of.

girl 1: "hey whens your birthday?"

girl 2:"may 6th, why?"

girl 1:"oh that means your a taurus."

girl 2: "oh ok"

by tash1234567 January 19, 2008

970๐Ÿ‘ 320๐Ÿ‘Ž


a star constellation in the sky, close to Orion; the astological sign of people born April 20th through May 20th; (a bull)

there's no sign i'd rather be than that of the taurus

by k.k. February 5, 2004

580๐Ÿ‘ 265๐Ÿ‘Ž