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Christmas Abyss

The conspicuous absence and lack of communication from all your friends who celebrate the Christmas holiday (both secular and religious) due to family commitments and/or over-consumption of alcohol on Christmas Eve. The Abyss can normally be observed on December 25th.

A: Man, where is everyone? I can't get a hold of anyone today.
B: They must have fallen into the Christmas Abyss.

by benderbot December 26, 2006

32πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Dewmonic Abyss

A term frequently used to describe someone who is open to the concept of β€œcancel culture”, otherwise known as a SJW. People who are described as β€œbeing Dewmonic Abyss” are typically friendless and sexually abstinent. These people thrive off defamation of others, weather it be their own friends, or people they just met.

β€œDude, if you keep talking about my friends like that, you might as well call yourself a Dewmonic Abyss”

by Breadstick420 November 14, 2021

64πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

The Yawning Abyss

The Yawning Abyss is a ride from the Theme Park Sans World, created by the youtuber CallMeCarson and his friends, this ride makes you question your spatial perception of the universe.
Once you come out you'll be ascended, you won't even need to comunicate with language, you'll be able to comunicate telepathically.

It is said that if you gaze into the Yawning Abyss for long enough you may just return with an inkling of the Merciless SunGod's vast knowledge.

by Weenie le pug September 21, 2020

11πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

club abyss

A place where ClUB@ng@$zz, GU!D0O$Szz && th33 f!N3STtt CluBH3@d$ss/ !nF@m0UsZZ fCCKKSzz aree found. Its a place where 25 year olds get with 13 year olds wearing fishnet stockings as shirts and lingerie from victoria's secret as shorts; the basic attire of most girls at abyss, unless of course your parent stays in the parking lot, you wear REAL clothes, and you pay $25 to stand there and make fun of all the sluts you see. Its basically a walking STD if you decide to get with anyone.

girl: mom can i go to a teen night at club abyss?

mom" well, honey, whos gonna be htere?

girl: only the whole schoolll !

mom: okay get on a t-shirt and jeans and ill take you,

girl: brings a spare change or clothes aka lingerie in her purse

later onn...

guido: (jumps on girls ass and starts dry humping her)

girl: wtfff are you doingggg?

gido: hey beautiful. is that a mirror in your pants cause i think i see myself in them.

girl: wanna take this someplace private?

guido: no, right here is fine.

by clubbanga. July 11, 2008

49πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


Made in Abyss is the best anime ever. It's about Riko and Reg who are total CHIBI CUTIES but who could both actually kill you. They go into the Abyss to find Riko's mama but the Abyss is DANGEROUS so they get their arms ripped off and stuff but it's okay, cuz they will get better!!

Me: Have you seen Made in Abyss
Random weeb: YESSIR!!!!

by ANIME ADDICTION October 10, 2021

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Abyss of darkness

A geometry dash level that was created by Exen (now neiro) and verified by cursed Dhils Thik who had over 100k attempts dropped it after 2 fails at 98% The level currently stands on number one on the demon list as of 18th of june 2022, it has a frame perfect start which requires 0.002 seconds to react to and a lot of luck as the ending is a frame perfect wave it requires immense dedication and skill and little to no luck. Also known as aod

Hey dude you heard about abyss of darkness?
yeah the top 1 with the frame perfect start?
Yeah it got top 1

by a sussy meaning guy thing June 20, 2022

The Dark Abyss

A never ending dark holes which has the ability to consume any thing which comes its way including humans and all light. Once sucked in there is no escape and death is the only way out. On occasion it is able to imitate the mating sounds of whales to draw in the unknowing female whale in order to feast on it. It has no stop.

A whale got stuck in the Dark Abyss and was never able to find its way out.

by SwagOverLordKazuMania420blzit September 6, 2014