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creek trash

Basically, any girl who has all-of-a-sudden become a country girl even though she clearly was a emo, scene, skate, gangsta, or mod chick before. Typically can be seen driving in cars with tinted windows and Mossy Oak/Browning and other hunting decals on car. They usually live in urban and suburban areas, but are found lurking/stalking in the country, boonies etc.. Likely stick around until the next fad comes around.

"Jesus Roger, where'd you find that broad?"

"Oh her? That's Ramada. Met her at the mud runs. She used to be a gangsta chick. She took a turn and now she's creek trash."

by wazlife February 12, 2014

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shit creek

A metaphor for deep trouble, usually one is said to be up shit creek without a paddle.

I just killed my roommate and I don't have an alibi...I'm up shit creek without a paddle.

by Pork King April 30, 2003

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Creek Kids

Creek Kids

Located in Boulder, CO, this lovely group of kids ranging from 8th graders to high school seniors have claimed the boulder creek area as their #1 spot to do every drug imaginable. They meet in the morning, during lunch, and after school, but many skip class and end up spending their whole day there.

Drugs they do: lotssss of weed, acid, shrooms, Molly, DMT, and more.

They are actually some of the most down to earth people you will ever meet, most coming from hard home lives/pasts.

To join creek, your usually invited down to morning spot by someone you know one time. Then that turns into a few more times until you start going there on your own.

Creek kids can get basically any drug at any time, and know the biggest plugs in boulder. Often misunderstood, never take a creek kid for granted

โ€œTime to go hang out with the Creek Kids!!!โ€

by Boulderchick420 March 20, 2020

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Belews Creek

A small town in the middle of North Carolina that no one has ever heard of. Driving down the only road in the town, (Belews Creek Road) you will pass a few Baptist churches and a small, privately owned gas station with only two pumps. Tobacco fields and huntin' are popular here, and if you need to cool off in the sumertime at big ole Belews Lake, think again! The lake is too hot to swim in thanks to the power plant right around the corner! So pack up the Budweiser, rifle, and some reliable rednecks, and pitch a tent and stay awhile in Belews Creek, North Carolina! YEEEEHAW!

I was driving down the holler lookin' for the Bi-Rite in Stokesdale when I stumbled across Belews Creek.

by belewscreeknative November 28, 2005

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Trapper Creek

Trapper Creek is the ultimate of boonie towns, located in bum-fuck nowhere. The people that live here mostly consist of rednecks/hillbillies, but there is a hippie music jamfest twice a year. Often can find the best shrooms, or frankly any drug.
Moose Creek is the ghetto, where you can smell the pot and can see drunk rednecks shitting on toilets connected to nothing.

Definetly better than Talkeetna.

The only normal citizens in Trapper Creek ride snowmachines built with ATV parts or ATV's built with Snowmachine parts.

"Dude, let's ride in Trapper Creek"
"First, let's hit X-Fest and get drugs and THEN ride."

by Brandymac June 3, 2008

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Bellos Creek

Popular Reality-Soap Opera starring luis bello as a promiscious manwhore, showing his romantic escapades with many different partners.(copyright andy mavra)

Berman- yo did u see the latest episode of bellos creek
Baggs- Ya, i hear next week hes going to perform his signature move on an unsuspecting taco bell worker.

by Jay-w December 22, 2006

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Dawson's Creek

A WB tv series which started in 1998. Was one of the many WB shows aimed at teenage audiences at this time. Since the cancellation of 90210 the teen genre had sort of dissolved; then Dawsons Creek, Roswell, Felicity, Buffy, 7th Heaven etc.... came along and breathed life back into the WB. Now teen audiences is mainly what the WB targets and is known for.
DAWSON'S CREEK was basically about " Four friends in a small coastal town help each other cope with adolescence."

OMIGOD!!! Did you guys watch Dawson's Creek last night? I sooo hope Joey and Pacey hook up!

by Dani April 11, 2005

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