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An awesome female gamer girl

I think she might be a Tweety guys

by cool girl crystal May 16, 2019


Noun. Female genitalia. Unoffensive juvenile slang

"Papa! I did a fart that went from my bum to my tweeties!'

by Gruntie Stevie September 21, 2019

Dirty Tweety

To have a bird defecate on your face for sexual arousal, leaving the person with a moustache.

For advanced uses, some even use the birds feces as facial cream.

Alessia asked Jordan to hold her lovebird over her mouth so that it can poop on her lip. She got a Dirty Tweety.

by BeastialJohnson October 2, 2017

Twisted tweety

When a redneck gets absolutely plastered off twisted teas.

You see that dude over there, heโ€™s all twisted tweety

by Gentweety February 28, 2021

Tweety slap

When you stuff a canary in the vagina, then you slap it.

Karolyn said that tweety slap sure is a hoot.

by Pissonit Perpaw October 21, 2023

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Tweety Bird

1. A beautiful female who sells & uses large amounts of meth.

"Tweety Bird came by today I got some work"

by tweetybird0000 September 10, 2015

tweety cum sandwich

When you fuck a girl in the ass so hard she starts seeing little tweety birds circling her head. When she does, you cum inside her, with her ass cheeks acting as the bread.

Yeah man I gave Brittany a tweety cum sandwich last night!

by CookieSlayer July 31, 2022