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yin yang

The other definition here claiming that yin yang refers to anus is correct, and older people in certain regions of the US know this very well. This site is for "slang" usages, not the formal dictionary definition which would refer to the Chinese symbol. When a person says something like, "Wow, this store has widgets up the yin yang", it does not mean plethora. Rather, it's a substitution for the word ass. And in a sexual context, yin yang does indeed refer to the anus. "Taking it up the yin yang" is probably the most used phrase, although it's now somewhat antiquated, and it means taking it up the anus, or male/female part which is common to men and women, which is how the word was derived since the Chinese symbol represents the male/female balance.

The drug smuggler stuffed it up his yin yang.

by meknow October 8, 2009

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mad yin

when a scottish cunt goes on a absolute bender. classified by - not going home between the days Friday and sunday night, more than 5 gram of gear must be consumed, minimum 5 swaggers (eccies), atlas 2 bottles of buck and/or a swift litre of scotlands finest glens (ket, mandy and bubbles also recommended to fulfil your mad yin)

"am going on a fucken mad yin this weekend davie" or "fuck me a need a heavy mad yin after this week"

by malaka mutha December 18, 2016

5๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Siu Yin

Literally it means "Little Swallow" when translating from Cantonese to English.

Meaning no matter where you are you can always find your way back home.

A Swallow is type of bird that no matter where it goes it'll always find it's way back home.

Siu - Little
Yin - Swallow

"Don't worry mother, our daughter is Siu Yin, she'll find her way back."

by Pikachu March 25, 2005

10๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Such a Cheong Yin

Describing people who are irritating and saying unrelated things.

<Person A> Look at the strawberry sundee in the sky!
<Person B> You're such a Cheong Yin!

by shatincollege March 26, 2012

6๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

mei yin

Mei yin means Queen , real Queen and not ''basic bitch Queen''! She's pretty and kind and she helps you if you have problems. She loves cats and she will sent you hundred of cat pics. I you get known to her you will see that she's a weirdo, pervers and funny weirdo. She's sometimes really nasty and says that she wants to be like this girl and says things like :'' she's so pretty! I want to look like her '' and more like this shit (she's good the way she is ).
The secret is : she is Taylor swift O.o

Mei yin :eeeyee , Jasmina !

Mei yin lost her child Steve ! v.v

Amt Is real Mei yin ^^
Pls don't take this serious xD

by Tacogirl606 January 4, 2017

Logan Yin

Logan Yin's are overall fantastic people...once you get to know them of course. Usually of Cambodian/chinese decent, with a 5'5-5'6 structure. With crazy arms bigger than a "Sangva". Logans are usually quiet, and keep to themselves. After you know them for a couple years they enjoy your presence and make you feel welcome. Personally, Logan Yins are very lovable, great at video games, and of course a smart. Being around Logans make everyone happier. Logan is the best. The most rememberable things about them are their empowering laughs, that everyone in a 100ft vicinity will hear. I love Logan Yin.

Logan Yin is a southeast asian who is an absolute unit.

by sangbang March 1, 2023


When a white person and a black person 69

Jimmy, "Damn bro, me and Sierra Yin-yanged this morning"

Tony, "Nice bro! How was it?"

Jimmy, "I felt like I was Japanese for a second"

by jaminthecity November 16, 2011

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