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jordan yoder

A man that misspells words and gets banned from Groupme

Dang I just got Jordan Yodered off of Groupme

by Jimmy Kimmel January 17, 2021


To pinch and pull apart the shaft to the point it adds girth to your todger. You can also push in your todger compressing it and adding girth

Man: sir what’s your Yoder count
Sir: I have about 31 hours and 16 minutes of Yodering

Man: what if I yanked your yoder tonight
Sir: no thank you

by ChrisyCrap June 21, 2024


The act of sitting in a chair while your partner stands in front of you jerking you off with both hands like churning butter.

Did you hear Martha got caught yoderingJeremiah last night at the barn raising until he spilled his hot butter all over the hay !

by Jb money October 19, 2017


A man who enjoys people, Especially children when he knows they are OK. He sees with his ears meaning when you talk to him for a bit in person, he gets a sketch of who you are if you let your guard down. Here’s the catch he doesn’t mind if you don’t want to let your guard down because he knows you can’t deny your nature too long and the truth of you will show to him by you in his presence and you may not even realize your own tells.

Yep. I started talking to him and I realized he’s a Yoder so I met him for dinner with my daughter. He didn’t know I am not only really good looking I have a daughter that thinks he is nice.

by The Real Beast. October 5, 2023


Originates in Southern Delaware

A synonym for coke

Skinny White Girl: “do you have any Yoder ?

Dealer: “yeh son it’s $90 a g

by Cjselfie July 5, 2021



yoder is eating foods

by Zrek Zrel November 18, 2020


A slang term for a faggot ass bitch who eats on the toilet

That guy sure is a yoder he always hogging the bathroom and all the snacks

by Yuhhhhhboiiii December 17, 2018