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The boy that every girl wants
The boy that every girl needs
The boy that I want
The boy that I need

Omfg rob is so fucking hot I love him

by xxtreedustin April 2, 2007

711๐Ÿ‘ 847๐Ÿ‘Ž


NFC 2019 Championship game when the Rams commited pass interference and it wasnโ€™t called . Costing the Saints the game and the possibility of the super bowl.

Man the Saints got robbed that was pass interference.

by TheCandleDealer51 January 28, 2019

7๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


When you have a hook for a penis and a prostitute urinates on your face.

An example of The ROB is when your penis when fully erect creates a right angle and then you let a prostitute urinate on your face.

by balls_deep_10 June 26, 2011

7๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


rip off bitch, someone who charges alot for an unsatisfactory product/item or a small amount of a satisfactory product/item

damn those hindus who run the qwik-mart are rob's

by klandathu February 21, 2005

201๐Ÿ‘ 243๐Ÿ‘Ž


when a teenage girl is "robbed" of her electronic devices by her father named Rob (Robinator) after she does not take the hint to go home from her friends house when he says she can not go to the movies. completely unfair and ridiculous.

Friend- why did you get your computer taken away?
Abby- i was robbed after i lied to him and went to the diner instead of Christinas house.

by freshfruitforabetterlife August 8, 2011

14๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž


Roll Over the Belt. Girls who wear tight shirts and have a roll of fat that goes over her belt is a ROB.

1: Dude, check out that girl, she looks dope!
2: Forget it, you've got your beer goggles on, she's a ROB!

by Jamie Slater January 5, 2004

417๐Ÿ‘ 529๐Ÿ‘Ž


ROB - a random occuring boner.
when guys have a erection in awkard places and there is no reason for the erection. most common is when guys wake up in the morning - which is reffered to as a "morning glory"

Hahaha - he's got a ROB

by Jimmer94 April 1, 2009

315๐Ÿ‘ 405๐Ÿ‘Ž