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Baby Momma Lexi

The coolest girl. Puts a smile on everyone around her and keeps the positive energy in the air flowing. That beautiful smile and beautiful personality makes everyone jealous that they live their daily life without her. She’s honest and will always give you the hard truth, the best guidance. Anyone who calls her their best friend will constantly brag about. Especially nik.

I wish i knew baby momma lexi. Life feels incomplete.

by Nklscttn October 2, 2023

Baby Momma

A vindictive women who used the kids against their father because she can’t move on with her life.

the name he calls you

you’re his baby momma and you come with drama

by babymommawho? July 15, 2022

baby momma

A girl that you had sex with and she has your kid and you can't leave her

I done fucked up and got a baby momma now

by alldayye March 6, 2022