Source Code

your biological mother


Your biological mother is scientifically unmeasurably obese

by fsfsesgsegsdddddddddd September 10, 2021

biologically programmed as a woman

Biologically programmed- (women)
A blanket term meant to absolve women of all responsibility for being sex obsessed, hormonal, needly, clingy, crazy, irrational, borderline retarded sacks of estrogen filled shit. Basically, it states that since women only ovulate for approximately twenty years and produce two eggs a month in that time period, they are on a sacred mission to find the perfect sperm to fulfill their quest to produce hellish little offspring. This thereby gives them license to act like a total bitch towards other women (since every guy could potentially be "the one") and to be suspicious and skeptical towards men until they prove beyond a shadow of a female doubt (like a doubt, but with a pea brain) that he finds them "special" and "likes them for who they are" and "likes me and only me". This justifies their incessant calling, their tyrannical demands for time and attention and their self centered insistence that the man "have the means to provide for the offspring", since they have to be "certain" of their decision since their egg is so fucking precious it makes a Faberge egg look like a decoder ring at the bottom of a box of Cheerios.

It's not her fault man, she's biologically programmed as a woman to get attached if you fuck her good a couple times.

by Bwahaha2010 May 10, 2010

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Targeted Biological Download

A TBD-(Targeted Biological Download) is a form of inter-dimensional and inter-stellar downloading of information across the field, and directly into the human brain.

Tesla ideas and inventions came from a Targeted Biological Downloading from the field.

by jmsdean51 September 18, 2019

biological sperm donor

a phrase used by annoying people who hate their fathers

person 1: ugh, there comes my biological sperm donor
person 2: do you mean your dad??

by ArchFly October 7, 2023

walking biological weapon

someone who can and will release farts so vile that they could be used in war if needed

guy 1: yo bro that guys fart smell so bad
guy 2: yea thats why he is a walking biological weapon

by KORCHMIESTER February 11, 2016

biological circuit event

A biological organism, especially a human being, becoming part of an electrical circuit. The word can be qualified with adjectives such as "terminal" (fatal), "unexpected" (accidental shock), "disruptive" (causing delays to the transport system),

Did you hear about the unexpectedly nonterminal expected biological circuit event in Texas? The prisoner was taken back to death row and they have not decided yet whether to try again or pardon her.

by jojodict October 26, 2005

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biological cis women

The only type of humans on earth to have two mechanically identical meats. Whereas, men and transgender people only have one.

They have breasts and a vagina. Men, only have a penis. But a penis will never go up in value like a pair of breasts and a vagina.

Biological cis women work at Hooters, Twin Peaks, and even Wienerschnitzel.

by DeezPeanuts January 4, 2021

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