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John Dece

"John Dece" a common slang saying in the UK to describe when something/someone is Decent.

Conor: last night was deeecent

Cory: yeah it was John dece brev

by CJM96 October 22, 2016

dece purch

Short for "decent purchase". Orginally used as druggie-slang/code for a good drug deal or drug quality, but recently has been used in response to any type of favorable purchase, or simply to replace the word "dece".

"Yeah, that coke was a dece purch"

"Lemee see that cellphone......damn, dece purch."

"Ok I'll come to your house later"
"Aiyt, dece purch"

by ZmaN277 August 8, 2007

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dece perch

Decent Purchase

Amogh: I just got a chrome hitlist with a balla stat cap.
Straight Guy: what?
Amogh: Dece Perch brohemoth merchin that wip br0 h34d.
Straight Guy: You're a toolb0x.
Amogh: r0flfa14f31

Clearly Amogh has one of the tiniest penises known to man kind.

Now that's a dece perch.

by D1ckP13453r5 January 27, 2009

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dece latina

A latina to kill for (based on attraction)
Features - Godly Ass (will give heart failure)

There are literally no dece latinas going to Binghamton University.

by your.MOM.dot.COM May 17, 2017

Double Dece

If something is dece, its decent.

If something is double dece, you do the math.

Robai: We've got a 5k race going on its gunna be double dece

by PUMA IS AWESOME May 20, 2010

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A Chavvy interpretation/shortening of 'Decent'
very good, excellent

"James Bond is DECE!"

by IckleG June 2, 2006

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Dick dece

Dick dece,or "dece to the boner" is when something is extreamly awesome and just dece alone can not describe the awesomenes, therefor the word dick must be added before it.

"That Cleveland trip was dick dece."

"That ball is dece to the boner."

by C-PatWHAAAA May 18, 2009

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