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Dedication challenge

When you dedicate yourself to a certain pornstar and watch a number of her videos only

"I'm going to do the dedication challenge, looks like it's only Sydney's video's for a while"

by Djimmi March 15, 2019


When a Team Leader continues to work valiantly in a broke ass game and still get things done swiftly for everyone to enjoy the game

If you look up dedicated in the dictionary, it should have Faile's photo on it.

by Tazboi February 24, 2021

dedicate a few

To masturbate to someone or something. The phrase is mainly used by males.

Example: "Yeah, I'll probably dedicate a few to her in the near future."

by Ray Peterson December 16, 2012

ADO (atypical dedicated orientation)

Atypical dedicated orientation (or ADO) - when one's sexual or romantic orientation (or both if they are gender- aligned) is atypically centered on a specific person who does not express the gender they are typically oriented to.

Like: You dig your man, but none of those other dudes do it for you at ALL, and really, women, trans, asexual or non-binary folx are where it's at for you sexually and/or romantically. He's the exception to the rule - lucky guy!!

You could use this as a way of articulating your broader orientation. Like: I'm bisexual but have ADO for my husband. I am not gonna be chasing any other cis men if we break up though!

I have ADO (atypical dedicated orientation) for my husband cuz he's the ONLY man I would ever want!

by Lee Malcolm May 10, 2022


Morgan kendrew


by Aeroplaneplane December 5, 2019


what it takes to get anything published on Urban Dictionary.

it takes dedication to get non-sex related stuff published.

by LaLaLesbian May 20, 2019


Dedication, I think thats the word for it.

"Wow he has- wait whats that word? Dedication I guess yea lets just call it that."

by cool master dude that has a sw September 13, 2020