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dodgy rental

A well established jargon term used in the car rental industry in and around Heathrow Airport. It refers to a situation where the sales rep is aware of a problem with the rental but nevertheless proceeds knowing that there is good commission to be had.

That was a dodgy rental where the Russian Mafia boss took the Mercedes for a week using his home made credit card and driving licence issued in Tibet. Mind you he bought all the extras so who cares?

by The Fruit Farmer August 5, 2003

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Dodgy Digits

A very serious disease that nobody believes is real.

Damn brooo that nerdface has dodgy digits

by Specal cloud March 21, 2021

dodgy cunt

A dodgy cunt is somebody who would otherwise happily engage into something when it is in favor of them, but under the circumstance that it is NOT in favor of them, will avoid whatever it is at all costs, usually pretending like whatever it is is suddenly getting redundant.

Terry: When I called Johnny out on being such a hypocrite, he started to claim the entire discussion was getting redundant, when HE brought it up in the first place.

Jim: Wow, what a dodgy cunt.

by chickewingzbruh November 16, 2017

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dodgy vindaloo

when you eat some curry and it gives you the shits

dam that curry was a dodgy vindaloo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by joshua forster February 17, 2008

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dodgy chic

Describes the fashion trend where people purposely try to look dodgy because it's cool (dive bars, thrift store clothes, etc).

People who go to dive bars and order the cheapest on tap are the apex of dodgy chic.

trucker hats used to be dodgy chic, but now that Von Dutch makes them they're too respectable.

by red5 March 14, 2005

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Dodgy Firestick

A more distinguished and elegant way of consuming media. A jailbroken amazon firestick with access to any and every film/show on the planet

How are you watching the last of us show, do you have HBO max?
Na mate, dodgy firestick

by Huemongous February 5, 2023

dodgy yah

A sketchy guy. Used in the UK (esp. Scotland) to describe creeps wearing pink polos (with a popped collars) that hit on unsuspecting girls. See yah.

Why does she always fall for the dodgy yahs?

by brazilled December 8, 2006