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Noun: The buffoon of the friend group who won't shut up about international cuisine and bouncy balls.

Synonyms: Jerk, idiot, fool

Doink: Why do you get the bouncy ball?
Intellectually superior friend: Because I had the prior claim you DOINK!

by Kevin the Crackhead February 7, 2019


Another word for a spliff or joint.

That fat cunt said that he smoked some big D O I N K S in amish

B I G Doink. Gang

by DiamondMiner95 November 18, 2017


When you're smoking some good shit and you're baked as fuck

Me and the boys were smoking and we were so doinked at target

by ImDoinkedRn October 26, 2019


A ground leaf rolled in rolling papers mostly weed but it has a cousin cancer doinks(cigs)

person1: imma cop a box of doinks today
person 2: ight word lmk i got some cancer doinks from seb today

by dr.skeleton666 November 15, 2017

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to pro-create (engage in hot sexual intercourse)

Sarah and Sean doink like jackrabbits on steroids.

by Anonymous November 26, 2002

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A fucking annoying peice of shit who is retarded and a fucking fat mong. This person may be talking to you or around you.

When TACTICALHAWK is talking in a press conference, everyone shouts DOINK DOINK DOINK DOINK ALERT

by ObeseMac July 16, 2018

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This is a Northern Irish term used to describe ยฃ1. It is usually used by people from a low socio-economic group with poor income and poor literate skills.

Sophie: Have you got a doink so i can buy some liquor

Ruairi: Fuck off, i need to buy mine u scavenging bastard!

by fuzz foster February 14, 2010

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