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Chef Boyardee guarantee

When you see a thicc female worth having sexual intercourse with.

Guy 1. "Dude, did you see how thicc that goth bitch was?"

Guy 2. "Duuuude, she gets the Chef Boyardee guarantee."

by Casper the Suicidal Ghost August 21, 2017

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boiling water guarantee

The guarantee that is offered on something that cant be guaranteed for as long as that person keeps a part of their body in boiling water. In other words there is no guarantee

Seller - Yeah this car comes with a boiling water guarantee
Buyer - Ok thanks ill get back to you

by davecyberd January 7, 2011

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100% black guy guarantee

A 100% guarantee that a black man will get you what he guarantee'd, be it good's, favors, services and most importantly white women.

You get this done, I will wingman for you and you will get her as your girlfriend. 100% black guy guarantee!

by Sindarian October 24, 2018

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Instant Payday Loans No Credit Check Guaranteed Approval

Apply for no credit check payday loans guaranteed approval near me from Direct lenders. Guaranteed approval. Even with bad credit. instant decisions

An instant solution to your unforeseen expenses is the name of payday loans which are a little costly, but you can make your financial issues disappear. The amount you can borrow is up to $5000 to fix up your strewn medical bills, monthly rent payment, and other expenses.

Due to the high cost of the loans, many borrowers seem to be failed in the loan repayment. This sometimes lowers their credit score if they don’t understand their responsibilities towards their loan payments which then creates problems ahead.

Still, people find it a great option for their emergencies when all doors are closed for them to get assistance. Commonly traditional banks and lenders prefer offering loans to those who have maintained their credit score.

Otherwise, they charge double followed by banking formalities which become hard very often for the borrowers. After all that, there is no guarantee for their $200 dollar loan approval while applying for no credit check payday loans with an instant approval decision through them.

But you can get Instant Payday Loans No Credit Check Guaranteed Approval after applying from the direct lenders because they don’t let you get depressed. Your lower credit score also works for them because they are aware that everyone can’t have a perfect credit score.

by HandyPaydayLoans.com April 4, 2022

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The only GUARANTEE of wealth is rich parents or rich friends. See how that's just a word trick you're trying to pull? It's no different tha. The retard's 'He thinks but he doesn't KNOW' joke. It actually reminds me of a guy who does what you do! A huslte culture motivational speaker? You know what he said? He's said "What I tell my kids is this: Make friends with the richest kids in school and the dean." Why do you think that is? Because the dean is the arbiter of what constitutes "hard work" And the rich kids always have positions waiting for them working for their parents.

Hym "And what happens if I reject the Big 5 personality model as a valid metric? This is kind of a refutation of that anyway. 'I have studies to back up what I'm saying' but so do the transgenders. I mean you've proven yourself to play things fast and loose with your interpretation of things and you show no signs of being of the temperamental persuasion you claim to be. And it's sounds like what you were saying earlier is that conscientiousness only predicts sucess in entrepreneurial enterprises. What makes an actor more likely to be success? Comedian? And I don't think it's that the fundamental Feminine ethos doesn't scale. I think it's that the likelihood that your kids are as competent as YOU is so impossibility low that if everyone was on equal footing they would be looking down on them. You know how Capitalism works and shield your children from it. And then you maintain the Capitalism to insulate them from failure to guarantee an outcome they wouldn't have been able to gain without you. Why? Because the Capitalism excludes people in a broad arbitrary way because promotion is ALWAYS mediated by the successful."

by Hym Iam March 2, 2023

guaranteed swallow

When you decapitate your partner and then have sex with the hole where their head was supposed to be while the head is watching during the 7 minutes of consciousness and finishing inside their esophagus... to make it kinkier have the head eat the asshole out involuntarily...

Liz and Ben found themselves in her room and she offered a guaranteed swallow... Ben unfortunately took it in the wrong direction.

by franksforthememories January 28, 2016

Your balls will explode guaranteed

This is what is gonna happen if you suck my toes

WAIT DONT DO THAT! If you do that, Your balls will explode guaranteed,

by Lionel Pepsi June 7, 2023