Source Code


The typical "Fun Gestapo" rifle in "Phantom Forces", you'll always see some rank 200 Hyper-sweat running around the maps with a HK-416 with .223 rem conversion, stub grip, muzzle break and green laser to make an already annoying gun the physical definition of AIDS of the Soldier class, said users also kick puppies in their spare time and always move like a rat having a stroke in-game.

Hk-416 user : *Spams a kitted out HK416 without any braincells"
Also HK-416 : "Ez"
Reasonable Player : Typical HK-416 users...

by RandomInternetGoblin May 4, 2021

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HK Lang

a large excretion that passes through the anus, usually requires straining

ive gotta drop a HK Lang
ive gotta drop a hk bomb

by joel imeson October 30, 2006

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a 35+ yr old man who constantly tries to prove his worth online, but acts like a 5 year old posting on a greater clan's forums with gay pornography which he obviously enjoys.

Those hellskatz are a bunch of fags...Sometimes I feel bad how sad their lives are...sad sad "adults"

by dafdfadf December 26, 2003

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HK kid

Any player in the Roblox game Phantom Forces that uses a gun manufactured by H&K. These weapons are overpowered and prebought by everybody. The most popular are the infamous HK416 AR usually with the ammo conversion of 300. BLK, and HK21 LMG with armor piercing rounds. And with the lesser known HK417 and HK41b. If you were to insult them and their weapon, they will defend it with their life.

Bro this HK kid. Low-level tryhard. What an actual sweat.

by 4lias June 28, 2022

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HK Disease

This disease is caused when one will not turn away from their electronic device when in conversation.

Hey bro!!! Answer me bro!!!

oh sorry man I was diagnosed with HK disease..its terminal.

by HeyYouShutUp September 25, 2017

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Free HKS

That free hugs, kiss and sex to offer for a sweet time with someone.

Her> Hi, do you want free HKS this night?
Him> Why not :) yes

by Oxom May 25, 2020

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HK (Heckler & Koch, H&K)

Firearms manufacturer located in Oberndorf, Germany. The company leads the international firearms industry in modern and technologically advanced equipment.

In existence little more than 50 years, HK has become the world's preeminent manufacturer of tactical police and military firearms.

by Eric Fisher July 11, 2003

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