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junkyard dogs

A game that is played in the pool with two teams, usually by swimmers that want to waste time during practice, in which you throw everything that is on the pool deck or in the storage room into the pool such as kickboards, pull buoys, tables and anything that you will be able to get out without using a crane. The winning team is either the person who has the most junk or if they retrieved the secret item usually chosen by the coach. Even if you lose it doesn't matter because it is fun just to play.

Hey coach can we finished our set, can we play junkyard dogs?

by John M. from W.L.C. February 5, 2009

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Junkyard Dog

1.n. Probably one of the greatest pro-wrestlers of all time. Mainly known for crawling in the ring like a dog and ramming his head into his opponents.
2.v. To cover a bitch in garbage and ram her doggy style until she howls.

1. "Did you see that Junkyard Dog match against Papa Shango last night? That shit was tight!"
2. "Dude, my girlfriend still smells like shit from that time two weeks ago when I Junkyard-Dogged her."

by Nick Bockwinkle March 30, 2008

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junkyard dog

A hobo rapist

Hey did you hear about Betty Sue?
Yeah wasn't she raped by a hobo?
Yeah that junkyard dog nailed her when she was taking out her trash.

by John Lee Mark April 27, 2010

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Junkyard Lounge Rat

1) A person of the female sex, whom has degraded themselves to this level of filth.

2) They have kids, but you never see or hear of them together.

3) They have men who they're cheating on with something even worse.

4) They're lose, dirty, have no self-respect, and will literally screw any man who is willing to take their free drink.

5) They typically test positive.

5) They go haaaaaaarrrrrrdddddd in these streets.

Did you see Sloth's new victim? Yeah, she's a straight Junkyard Lounge Rat!

by YouKnowWhatItIsHoe October 14, 2011

jersey junkyard

The greatest roller coaster ride in history. No seriously. It has this like, car, that has headlights, and they turn on right at you. That's basically it.

Whilst riding Jersey junkyard, someone interrupted my booming kuwanging.

by xxexplosivoxx August 1, 2003

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human junkyard mechanic

A person who works at a nursing home where families dump there old people and go off and leave then like so much junk.

John's dad is a Human junkyard mechanic.

by Deep blue 2012 March 11, 2010

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junkyard personality

When a person's opinions, behavior, and other personality traits are taken from other people, as well as what that person observes in the media, in place of speaking and acting for one's self.

"Does James think he's the only one who watches the news or action movies? He sounds like John McClain trying to mimic John McCain. He has such a junkyard personality!"

by tyankou October 9, 2011