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Kazaa it

To look for any file on the Internet. Often used much like IMDB.com to resolve disputes.

Guy 1: There is more than one acoustic version of Foo Fighters' Everlong out there.
Guy 2: No, there isn't.
Guy 1: Kazaa it.

Note: Also used to resolve porn star cameo questions.

by Brugz February 26, 2003

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the easiest, fastest, free-est way to get porn

dad, quit leaving all your porn in my kazaa folder

by sn0wbl1nd October 3, 2003

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a p2p file sharing program with a lot of music.

RIAA can kiss my ass, I have 23434 kazaa files!

by Et Moi! January 3, 2004

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Program where people download music, software, porn, etc. without paying a dime.

Liz downloads pop music every night on KAZAA!!!!!!!!!

by Martha Stewart November 24, 2003

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A file sharing program that you can never get into trouble using,

Haha, the feds can't do SHIT because they haev no control over the australians!

by Joe Somebody July 24, 2003

4๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person to person online sharing system for music and other stuff.

Pronounced: Kah-Zuh

Dude, you have got to download this song on Kazaa

by Music Man March 28, 2003

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A filesharing program that some people would complain lags their comp only because they are downloading too much porn.

Everything is going so slow... maybe because I'm downloading like 50 Cum Fiesta and Milfhunter vids off Kazaa?

by Peterape September 19, 2003

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