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King of Leisure

"King of Leisure" is a phrase used to describe a man whose occupation involves little or no actual work, and is more comprised of downloading entertaining content from the internet and emailing friends or relatives, or even observing the local bird culture. The phrase is derived from the history of an individual named Chuck, who was the original King of Leisure.

The King of Leisure checked his three main email addresses again that hour and responded to any new interesting messages before flipping through the stack of invoices on his desk again. Clearly this would be too much to deal with at the time so the King decided to do a little shopping at Amazon.com, after getting up for another cup of coffee. But the coffee sent him back to the restroom where he read the entire newspaper before returning to his desk. This pattern suited the King of Leisure and he would maintain it for the duration of his employment.

by Wrathgar July 1, 2006

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Lady of leisure

An extremely polite term for a lady of the night.

Nadine walks the streets as a lady of leisure.

by Bram Longfront April 17, 2016

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Pleasure Leisure Companion

It'one of a kind. Better than friends with benefits, while not being in a commited relationship.

- How long have you been together?

- Together wtf?
- I though he is your bf.

- Ah no. He is my Pleasure Leisure Companion.

by darisha_231 March 20, 2021

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Moseley Leisure Pirate

A nauseating, skinny-jean, faux leather jacket, beanie wearing 'trendy' from the Moseley area of Birmingham, UK. Similar in appearance and behaviour to their London counterparts: the Camden Leisure Pirates.

Famed for Facebook profile pouting, irreverent devil-may-care staring into the middle distance and constant 'status updates'.

Contempt for his fellow man often written across face.

Do not attempt to slalom through a group of them in a busy Fighting Cocks, because the arrogant wank stains won't move due to being engrossed in using the word "random" in conversation; so you'll end spilling your pint down yourself.

Generally hated by the Moseley 'norms'.

moseley leisure pirate camden leisure pirate russell brand

by Quelmo Rodriguez June 14, 2010

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Flexible Leisure Trousers

Stretch pants with an elastic waistband allowing for excessive consumption of food without hindering the expansion of ones stomach.

Worn mostly by males, however some womens clothing offers the same benefits.

May be abbreviated FLT.

I am sure glad I had on my flexible leisure trousers when I ate the triple patty hamburger with double the meat and a super sized value meal, otherwise my pants button would've shot across the room.

by Michael Silver May 17, 2009

international man of leisure

A man whose tremendous wealth, social position, grooming, and worldleness allow him to pursue pleasurable social, cultural, and athletic hobbies or pasttimes, rather than employment.

Bartender: "Hey, seriously, what does Pete Dick do for a living?"
The Cooker: "I really shouldn't say..."
Bartender: "Come on, I won't tell anyone, please?"
The Cooker: "well, he is an international man of leisure."
Bartender: "woa, what is that?"
The Cooker: "well, basically it means he globe trots jacking for beats and each day finds time to Irish himself."

by Pete Dick March 21, 2008

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Sex Leisure

The act of doing sex work as a side hustle, a hobby or for fun while appropriating the culture and taking space in the movement from a place of privilege.
Term coined by charlieshe.

No wonder her take is problematic, she obviously only does Sex leisure.

by Charlieshe December 15, 2020

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