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longboarding slut

when a downhill longboarder tries to pick up other longboarders on the hill he is seshing on or the bus he takes for a future longboarding date with that person

longboarding slut

by Jale Jinkins June 22, 2011

9๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Texas Longboard

The act of engaging in intercourse with a teacher

Did you hear about jake?? He was Texas Longboarding with Mrs Jacques !

by Seamendeamon69 April 7, 2017

longboard truck

a great way of smashin a bitches face up.

Me: (drags in knocked out chick) Hey look what we got you man.
Ryan: Are those fuckin longboard truck marks on her face?
Me: We wouldn't have it any other way buddy.
Ryan: You guys are the best.

by the mello December 2, 2007

8๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž

Longboarding without a helmet

The act of dangerously fast bangin of bad bitches without rubbers.

Did you see Sam with that random sloot last night, he was longboarding without a helmet all night long!

by Justin Timberlake the II Cumin February 8, 2009

22๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


Longboarding is like skateboarding but for gay and autistic people

GB: I like men now.

Dolan: Why.

GB: I just bought a longboard.

Dolan:so you're an gay autist now.

GB: yep

GB: Longboarding is fun

Dolan : no

by gb jaa maan grรคddglass May 5, 2017