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mail persuasion

Utilization of U.S. Postal and email forms of marketing solicitations sent to recipients, and with the intent to persuade a reply from recipients, a "call to action" or to make a purchase.

Bill complained that he is tired of finding voluminous amounts of mail persuasion within his post office box and email inbox.

by Psychotrumpic January 24, 2021

White girl persuasion

verb; to be attracted to a white girl.
one hot white chic!

He fell under the spell of her white girl persuasion

by tonkinannie September 14, 2019

Persuasion Knife

A device, or figure of speech, used with NPC* inaction (can be in real life and virtual) that is used to sway said NPC into giving unto one's way. Can be used in a threatening way, or friendly, mostly threating.

*Non Character Player (or not you)

Person 1:Today I had to use my Persuasion Knife to get my lazy brother to mow the lawn today

Person 2:"You pulled a knife on him?
Person 1:No, a rock. It works like a knife.

by SafetyPants April 8, 2011

Peruvian Persuasion

When you perform a double titty twister/purple nurple on an unsuspecting unconscious person in order to see if they are able to be aroused from their slumber.

Man, Dr. Vega totally used his Peruvian Persuasion on that patient that wasn't waking up.

by Karz31 September 24, 2020


A person with traits endemic of a negro

Although he was wearing a mask, I could tell by his voice and language that he was of the negroid-persuasion

by Crackasscracka September 12, 2022

Roll For Persuasion

"Rolling for persuasion" is an attempt in which one person attempts (usually) to convince another person to do something that they most definitely should not do.

Player: "I would like to convince the cultist that they should summon Baphomet instead of that little rinky dinky demon!"
DM: "are you sure?"
Player: yep!
DM: "ok, Roll for persuasion." *sigh*

by SQUDIKUS March 3, 2023

asian persuasion

a type of rapper who pulls hella bitches and usually hella chill

bro your music is asian persuasion like

by asian man with rice January 9, 2022