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Total recall

When you invite all those who went out the night before to brunch trying to get the full story of what really happened

A: aah man i am so hungover , and i can't fucking remember how we ended up by our neighbors pool !

B:shit dude last thing i remember was these shots in the karaoke place

A: we need a "total recall" call everybody !

by Tito_T2 January 18, 2014

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I don't recall

A rather poor safety net that is often used by the guilty when they testify before congress. The degree to which the testifier uses this phrase often indicates how much they have to hide. This phrase was recently made famous by Alberto Gonzales when he testified in April of 2007.

Alberto Gonzales used the old "I don't recall" trick 71 times when he testified before congress the other day. That means he's really guilty or really stupid. Most likely both.

by kmuto April 24, 2007

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Wrong room Recall

Mental condition which relates to the momentary feeling of utter panic you suffer when you wake up in a different location to your normal place of sleep (i.e. Your bed at home) having forgotten you were sleeping somewhere else.

Guy who wakes up- Jesus! Where the F**k am I? Oh rightโ€ฆIโ€™m staying at a hotel this weekend. Phew. That was a bad case of wrong room recall.

by KEJIAN February 26, 2009

total recall

1. a game in which participants take turns enthusiastically singing along to famous pop songs that they have not heard recently. this typically involves making up new words.

Did you hear Alex doing total recall on that Elton John track? It was sick! Like ten times nuttier than the orig!

by txtmsg March 16, 2008

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total boob recall

or TBR, when you trigger a memory of a woman because you remember what her tits looked like. Despite what women believe, some men (at least the ones that admire breasts, or "boob men") burn memories of a nice set of funbags into their brains, and can recall them photographically.

Girl: I can't believe that waiter remembered us, even though we've only been here once like 6 weeks ago...

Guy: he saw your rack and remembered you and (me) "that fat guy that needs a haircut". He was struck with total boob recall.

by Davester75 December 28, 2015

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I don't recall

Jeff Sessions favorite words.

I don't recall eating my wife.

by Saul315 January 20, 2023

Oscar Meyer Recall

When a female/male use a hotdog to pleasure their needs and it breaks off in them.

Due to David's ED, he uses a hotdog to spreate his sphincter for his pleasure. He gets caught up in the moment and sometimes has a oscar meyer recall.

by T.T. Smalls October 29, 2009

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