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Responsibility bomb

Finding out that one is having a kid or is going to have to take care of a disabled family member.

Person A: Hey, is Kevin coming to the bar tonight?

Person B: No, his girlfriend just broke the news about the responsibility bomb he put in her.

by Voodoo870 June 8, 2011

Cheeseburger Response

A Response to a question that is not a direct answer to the question asked, but instead is a response to a question that will be later asked in that particular line of questioning.

Bree: "Phillip, would you like me to meet you at the restaurant? or should I just pick some food up for us?"

Phillip: "Cheeseburger!"

Bree: "Wow, way to make a Cheeseburger Response."


Chase: "Sarah, would you like to go to the movies tonight? Or should we rent a movie and stay home instead?"

Sarah: "Inception was such a great movie, I want to watch it again!"

Chase: "That was a total Cheeseburger Response."

by Esahc Selkin December 22, 2010

blue response

A formal response from a Moderator or Game Master (GM). Used in the context of World of Warcraft, a MMORPG. Such a response is usually obtained either in an official forum or by submitting a petition for a response in the game.

I demand a blue response to my question.

by Shizzle-S June 22, 2006

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irresponsibly responsible

To do something irrisponsible to avoid doing something more irresponsible.

Jimmy: I didn't want to drive home so i got so drunk that i couldn't find my car.
Arjay: Yeah, way to be irresponsibly responsible

by slimjim527jr August 12, 2010

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blanket response

A response given that does not directly address the question, rather gives a bland statement in order to appease the question giver(s). Usually involves offering a solution that does not leave said party responsible. -To beat around the bush.

After the Mayor received heavy criticism for poor spending, he offered a blanket response to the press to buy himself some time.

by b_TRAIN January 17, 2012

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Vasobagel Response

A vasobagel response, episode, or attack is when a person passes out after consuming too many bagels

My friend brought over 2 dozen bagels this morning and I tried to limit myself to 1 or 2, but next thing I know I am on the couch and my friend is shaking me awake from a vasobagel response

by otter2388 September 18, 2012

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Responsibility Cup

The act of having a alcoholic beverage holder that is camouflage in public like water bottles or Gatorade bottles with mixed drinks. Not including red/blue party cups.

We're having a party at the park, make sure you bring your responsibility cup so that the fuzz won't be suspicious of the alcohol in our Gatorade!

by SoEasilySwayed September 22, 2015