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marrying your right hand

Beating your meat

Masturbating (males)

Just stop and reflect (marrying your right hand)

by Yung.dagga.dikk August 29, 2017

dating my right hand

when you are dating your right hand, it means you are single, so instead of having sex with a person, you have it with you right hand.

Guy who is dating: i got a date with lizzie tonight!
Guy who is dating his right hand: i am still dating my right hand.

by !-Evan-! March 21, 2008

74๐Ÿ‘ 33๐Ÿ‘Ž

Georgia Right Hand Turn

When a person is traveling fairly fast on an interstate, and they realized 100 feet from the off ramp that they are in the HOV lane (Farthest to the left), they make a Georgia Right Hand Turn to get off the highway in time. Many times, the enacter of the Turn is in a large vehicle, and their tires cause smoke to rise and dust as they pass over the area of the road covered with white paint dividing the off ramp from the highway.

Wife: Why did that man in that big-assed 6 wheeled truck cross in front of us, nearly taking our bumper off?

Husband: That was a Georgia Right Hand Turn, sweetheart. He was try to get to that exit we just completely passed.

by edenmanon April 11, 2009

15๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

right handed waffle slam

The act of a man sticking his dick in a waffle maker and then a woman having her full arm (right side) firmly in the mans ass. While singing Roar by Katy Perry.

Jon wanted to spice up things with his wife so he had her help him with a right handed waffle slam.

by RatStealer449 September 18, 2017

Right-handed Knuckle Chuckle

Same thing as spanking it and whackin' it!

Thomas went to the bathroom to do the ol' right-handed knuckle chuckle.

by Cartman40 July 25, 2009

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The Right-Hand Suzuki Method

Otherwise known in proper noun form as "The Method", or in a verb form such as "Methoding". This refers to both male and female masturbation and the techniques therein. It is usually used between Soul Friends or people who are obsessed with it.

Josh, you're obsessed with Methoding girls.

by Blu April 7, 2004

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the happy right hand of god

an excuse deriving from ancient latin text, in which the priest uses the term as an excuse to masterbate little boys.

(you think youre weird, my childhood was spent with the happy right hand of god)

by ttbilllets May 13, 2006

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