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Being ‘smart’ in a way that some people would be say having a ‘smart mouth
Saying something that you don’t mean or something that is the opposite of what you said that is sometimes stupid or dumb

Richard- is 14 years old
Debbie- is 30 years old

Debbie says, Richard did you take her clothes out of the bathroom
And Richard replies being a smart a**
Yea mom I took her clothes out of the bathroom, mhm sure did cause that makes sense.

Richard was being sarcastic because he was saying the opposite of what he did and being smart because his mom asked if he took a girls clothes out of the bathroom. Which makes no sense on why Richard would do that

by mamas.😘🥵🍆 May 26, 2020



“That’s adorable...” that’s what Calvin said. It was sarcastic. He said it sarcastically.

by Qburttttt August 27, 2018


For joking and scolding.
Do not use this in front of your kids.

mum 'hey john go play i'll do all of yur homework'
john 'oke'
'no wait'
'i was being sarcastic'
'bye i'm going to play'
'oh shit'

by a URban pea March 7, 2022


Verb form of "sarcasm."
To use sarcasm.

-Oh you look great today with your obnoxiously fuzzy boots and lack of pants.
-Are you sarcasting?
-Psh no...why would I sarcast about your blatant inability to judge what is and what isn't proper clothing?

by The real Ello February 9, 2010

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v.) past tense- spoken with sarcasm, spoken with sarcastic tone.

"Yes, you're incredibly intelligent," sarcasted the Professor.

by Agrian November 16, 2013

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One who provides sarcasm on a regular basis.

He's always talking all sarcastic and shit. He's such a sarcasticator.

by Dr. Sivraj May 8, 2004

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magically sarcastic; unintentionally sarcastic

(Talking about a dumb person but not knowing they're dumb)
"Oh yeah 'cause he's so smart..."said John in a sarcastical tone.

by that guy from Yorba LInda June 8, 2006

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