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don't shit where you eat

do not scew up or screw someone from where you work and or play.

Joe is screwing sally from work and she is busting his balls all the time while working, just riding his ass all the time. Well, he should know that you "don't shit where you eat"

by oldcoprs1 November 4, 2010

190πŸ‘ 219πŸ‘Ž

Don't Shit Where You Eat

An ancient ecological principle which is to be taken literally. Applies especially to heavy industrial chemical pollution, which when allowed to be generated and dumped freely into a closed ecosystemThe Earth due to laissez-faire environmental regulation and corporate neglect, generally results in deleterious effects to all organisms and human health.

Most Infamous example of corporate maleficence was the Bhopal Chemical Disaster.

Effects including but not limited to: Infertility, unplanned gender disruption, cancer, death, mental disability.

We've got Intersex Bass! Google it! We're next!

What do we do about it?

Don't Shit Where You Eat!

by gearhead78 July 7, 2017

24πŸ‘ 100πŸ‘Ž

shit off you hairy dogs cock

good insult, fun to use.

chris: oy you fucking gay
liam: why dont you shit off you hairy dogs cock

by chris and liam February 10, 2007

62πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

shit did you put the bong away?

An exclamation of terror, often said while under the influence of cannabis. The bong in question is a smoking implement, and if it has not been concealed or "put away", a parent or figure of authority may find it. This is a highly detrimental situation for the users of the bong.

J. Shit did you put the bong away?
M. Nah man, didn't you?
J. No, i thought you were going to
M. ...fuck

by Madmooseman November 25, 2008

48πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

are you shitting my dick

A popular catch from TikTok humorously asking if you’re being serious/for real

β€œdude that test was hard”
β€œare you shitting my dick right now?! i haven’t studied”

by bahka78 October 6, 2021

45πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

did you shit the bed?

what you say to someone who turns up to work ridiculously early, as everyone knows this sort of eager beaver behaviour would only be acceptable if you had actually shat the bed, were forced to get out of it, and had nothing better to do than come to work.

colleague not due to start work till 9 showing up at 8.15: good morning!
me: did you shit the bed?!

by me old fruity October 1, 2006

101πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž

have you shit the bed

A term used to mock someone when they are up early in the morning (meaning they aren't usually up early)

It's only 5am,have you shit the bed?

by Lee.w October 31, 2017

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž