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Faris Shrine

A Faris shrine is somewhere where you sacrifice someone and it will boost you chances of being with Faris

"My Faris Shrine had leak!"

by Teygh Gill May 28, 2022

Pearl's Shrine

Basically someone who used to harrass gachatubers , joke about Tweekerpop's death, and much more. now she's quit and no longer on youtube. NGL I MISS HER SO MUCH

1: Hey did you hear about Pearl's Shrine ?
2: No, what about them?
1: well, she was a TERRIBLE person.
2: Understood.

by Depressedanimekid March 19, 2023


Goddess of wealth, power, success and prosperity in hindu culture.
Politeness, kind & caring attitude and beauty are also traits related to this name.

God, I worship Shrinee.

by Tasteler November 25, 2021

vine shrine

The place one visits most often to buy wines and liquors.

Grand Ave. Wine and Liquor is my vine shrine---they have a good selection of Georgian wines.

by pentozali September 9, 2009

ostrich shrine

Mention "ostrich shrine" to ur crush and they will literally fall in love with you.. like no joke.

Brittany: I love you Jacob
Jacob: EWWW! What you look like a fish out of the water. TIFFANY IS HOTTER!
Brittany: You know I have Ostrich Shrine!
Jacob: Omg Brittany forget what I said, UR HOT! Wanna Date?

by iliketofuckmypillowatnight October 28, 2018

beat your shrine while you whine

When urban dictionary rejects your definition so you masturbate while you are bawling your eyes out while playing MOONLIGHT by xxxtentacion

beat your shrine while you whine:

me ima beat my shrine while i whine because jeff is being a peice of shit

by Baznigger April 26, 2019

shrine of their light

Where you go to worship like a snail.

I'll worship like a snail at the shrine of their light

by im u fucking sadist17 September 3, 2021