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zombie siren

Type of snoring that is loud enough to wake the dead. Also referred to as a zombie siren as this type of noise attracts zombies and the undead alike extremely fast.

So, the roommate is pretending to be a zombie siren in his sleep, I went to get my headphones but left my phone to play music on, sigh.

by labmixz December 11, 2012

Sex Siren

Someone whose looks alone scream sex appeal to all those around them. They can give a look that is so irresistible you'll find it hard not to be aroused.

That girl is a straight sex siren.

by nickfad June 10, 2022

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lusty siren

A woman who leads a man to his physical, emotional, spiritual, or financial demise usually with a sexual act, and or desire.

Doug you see Tuzi lately? I think he got lead astray by that lusty siren! Now he has nothing

by XxdnycexX April 5, 2018

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siren jam

When a group of people blast music out of their speakers, and see whose speaker is the loudest. This is generally done in Polynesian-dominated neighborhoods in New Zealand.

Boonga #1: "you wanna go for a siren jam dox?"
Boonga #2: "Dat sowndz meean uce!"

by katsukid September 16, 2018

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The Siren Effect

When you hear a person sing, and their voice is so beautiful that they suddenly become extremely attractive, even if you didn't think so before. This is applicable to women or men with sexy voices, even though sirens are technically female.

This phenomenon is named after the lusty, half-bird, half-woman sirens of Homer's "The Odyssey." They beguile sailors with their seductive serenading, only to bring the poor individuals to their deaths. The siren effect uses singing to deceive (albeit unintentionally), having the potential to give average-looking persons a façade of sexiness, "luring" others in.

For instance, this is the reason (or one of the reasons) the Phantom in all musical productions of Andrew Lloyd Webber's "The Phantom of the Opera" always manages to be sexy.

Broadway Fan 1: "Oh, my God, Ramin Karimloo is so sexy, even when he's playing a deformed man!"
Broadway Fan 2: "I completely agree, and the siren effect just adds to it. That voice is so seductive!"

Person 1: "Man, Sarah Brightman is so beautiful!"
Person 2: "I don't know, man. I think it's the siren effect."
Person 1: "Well, maybe it's both."

Student 1: "You know, I never found Matt that attractive before, but then I heard him sing. I think I'm in love!"
Student 2: "I know, right? It's a perfect example of the siren effect."

by AnIrishGirl December 12, 2013

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Thunderass Siren

What Mason McMahon called Minneapolis before riding his tractor to record the thunderbolt siren

Now were gonna go film... the thu- the thunderass siren *vrrrooooom bitchhhh*

by bigbootybitches655 September 14, 2020

Sexy Siren

An allusion to the Sirens of Greek mythology, who lived on an island and lured unsuspecting sailors to shipwreck. Now describes a woman who seems sexy and initially attracts men but then disappoints and/or destroys them.

She claims to be a Sexy Siren, and a Siren is exactly what she turns out to be. Sailors might want to avoid.

by Dariaa October 17, 2011

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