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Goggle gods

The goggle gods are a group of gods who know everything, they will grant their worshippers this knowledge but will be disappointed if one doesn't make anyone uncomfortable at least once a day.

Read: Sakura (How to obtain a reverse harem in Naruto) for further information. It is available on wattpad.

Hail the goggle gods!
The goggle gods blessed me with this knowledge.

by Oh come onnnnn February 25, 2021

Bitch Goggles

Designer sunglasses of the feminine sort that scream wealth, glamour, and sophistication. The trend (as with most things trendy)seems to be the bigger, the better. In addition to blocking out rays from suns in distant galaxies, serving as a racoonine substitute for makeup, and masking your blood-shot, coke-glazed eyes from prying gazes; these sunglasses do tremendous wonders for the feminine mystique. Must have accessories include the latest model camera-phone, a lit cigarette (preferably menthol), ugg-style boots, and a frilly mini-skirt.

Samantha's new bitch goggles failed to hide the haggard features brought on by lengthy tanning sessions, chain-smoking, and excessive partying.

by Gregory Barlikas June 20, 2005

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drunk goggles

The eyesight you have when one is drunk. Which leads your inhibitions to be lower and one you wouldn't normally be attracted to looks real good.

Dang Maggie, you looked so much better last night when I had my drunk goggles on!

by Princess Parneet February 13, 2009

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Maritime Goggles

A condition that occurs when a cadet is at New York Maritime College for too long, resualting in an illision that makes females more attractive than they really are. Similar to beer goggles, the two should never be combined in an unsafe area. The effects of the combination of the two are catastrophic, often resaulting in massive quantities of shame and ridicule by peers. There is, in fact, an equation that describes the potency of Maritime Goggles, h+(.15w)=mgh, with h being equal to the initial hotness of the chick, w being equal to the number of consecutive weeks a cadet is stuck on campus )whithout being off campus for a span of >1week), and mgh being equal to the maritime goggle hotness, or the final hotness of the chick.

Maritime Cadet: "Wow, look at that hottie in the mini-skirt!"
Normal Dude: "Uh, bro, she's no better than a 6."
Maritime Cadet: "Damn maritime goggles again, ive been stuck there too long."

if a girl is a 6 to one uneffected by maritime goggles, and is seen afer a cadet has been stuck on campus for 7 weeks, then she is now a 7.05 under maritime goggles, because 6+(.15*7)=7.05. The mgh potancy factor would be 1.05

by MSA6219 October 2, 2009

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FUMA goggles

The barrier that the students of all-male school, Fork Union Military Academy, face when returning for leave. This unfortunate condition makes the obviously unattractive women look like supermodels.

Rob: OMFG! Look at that hottie!
Cynthia: Ew, she's like 90 years old!
Jeff: Dude, take off your FUMA goggles.

by prittyxschmidty April 28, 2008

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everclear goggles

A form of distorted judgement far greater than beer goggles.
If beer goggles cause you to have sex with a less-than-attractive person, EVERCLEAR goggles would cause you to have sex with a dead animal.

Bob humped that frozen turkey for like three hours. He's wearing the everclear goggles again!

by 20th century dude November 5, 2007

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Baby Goggles

A phenomenon where the parents of an ugly baby think their baby is adorable and no one else does.

Nancy: Here's our little bundle of joy! Isn't she just the cutest thing ever?!?
Lisa & Kate (after one look at Nancy's ugly baby): Ohhhh...! Yessss....
Lisa to Kate: I think Nancy has baby goggles - that's got to be the ugliest baby I've ever seen!

by Wine Chick December 4, 2008

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