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United Nations

United Nations is when you have an orgy with a person from every ethnicity/race (one of every skin color).

kyle hosted United Nations on the weekend! the "meeting" went on for hours.

by BruceMate June 16, 2021

United Nations

In lieu of calling a woman a slut, she is called the United Nations or UN because at one time or another most nations have spent time in that chamber.

Jenny has really had sex with a lot of guys. She’s the United Nations!!

by Johnny Tucson February 24, 2021

model united nations

MUN abbreviation for Model United Nations, is an educational experience/simulation in which students learn about diplomacy, politics, world issues, international relations, and the United Nations. It is basically a smaller-scale version of the United Nations.

Model United Nations benefits the young who aspire to be great leaders.

by jewelapocalypse March 14, 2016