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a little bird told (or whispered to)

To have learned something from a mysterious, unknown, or secret source.

a little bird told (or whispered to) me it was your birthday

by Alex Gabrielle November 6, 2011

Jacob told me to say it

A phrase that can be used to defer blame for telling a joke that is lame and/or unfunny. The blame is then shifted upon Jacob. The call must be said within 5 seconds much like the 3 second rule.

"Dude, that joke sucked!"
"Yeah, Jacob told me to say it."

by nigerius September 17, 2006

82๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

a little bird told me

Someone told me, but I'm not telling you who it is

1)Me: "Mike and Erin got married!"
Casey: "I know. A little bird told me".

2) Parent: "A little bird told me that you have been smoking".
Child (embarassed): "Mother/Father!"
Parent: "Cigarettes are a waste of money just to be burned up!"

by Karen Stickney October 15, 2007

37๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Is that what you told her?

A derivative of the common phrase, thats what she said, is that what you told her is a response to any sentence that contains sexual innuendoes. It is best used in a sentence involving fitting something into a hole or something being inadequate.

"Are you sure it can fit in there?"
"Is that what you told her?"

"It was fun but it wasn't something i would do more than once."
"Is that what you told her?"

"That was amazing!"
"Is that what you told her?"

by Ryan J W January 5, 2009

20๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


The intensely pleasurable feeling a doomsayer gets when saying "I told you so," often accompanied by a long rant pontificated with various enthusiastic gesticulations.

Doomsayer: Hahahahaha I told you the economy would crash!
Random Acquaintance: Woah, dude, don't have an I-told-you-sorgasm.

by Planeswalker_ November 19, 2008

38๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

It does what its told

1. Phrase used when someone is totally and utterly whipped
by someone.
2. Silence of the lambs.

Teacher: Do you work please class.
Teacher: Uh.... ok....
Nes: It does what its told!!!

by John Kern November 20, 2005

31๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

I told you so

Phrase said to people after everything one said would happen, happens.

Soon enough it will be me laughing and saying 'I told you so'.

by PineappleJuice March 26, 2015

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