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milky tootsies

when milk from titties go down to your feet

yo nolan has milky tootsies

by milkymilky June 12, 2020

trail tootsie

A Trail Tootsie is a Hot Chick That can be found on wilderness trails. She is usually all dolled up with her hair and makeup done. They are always dressed to Impress, With big sunglasses, low cut tops, and Yoga pants. This is all done to take numerous selfies and attract other people.

Hey man! Look at that Trail Tootsie taking a selfie next to that tree. She looks hot in those Yoga pants.

by Air_Wolf February 7, 2018

tootsie pop

term of endearment; sweet nickname for a sweet person

Brandon is my tootsie pop!

by sheboygan June 2, 2005

37๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž

Tootsie Roll

1) Another "hilarious" dance craze loved by backwards folks all over. Imagine your enjoyment...

2) A truely disgusting yet highly addictive American substance

1)One, two, three, four, let me see your tootsie roll...

2)Oh man, that Tootsie Roll was soooo gross! Got any more?

by PetesWayUK October 5, 2003

245๐Ÿ‘ 329๐Ÿ‘Ž


(noun) -- a female whose history of anal sex caused a rectal fissure, ultimately resulting in vaginal defecation; a vagina that defecates due to a rectal fissure

That girl's twat was a total tootsie-puss.

His breath wreaked of tootsie-puss.

by SMuG1 March 31, 2011

3๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Tootsie Fist

A punishment administered to the person who unjustly consumes someone else's candy stash. The tootsie fist is preformed by unwrapping three tootsie pops and inserting them in between your fingers while making a fist. You then proceeds to strike the perpetrator repeatedly with the "tootsie fist" until you feel their debt has been paid.

mark: "my brother ate all my halloween candy again this year!"

lisa: "wow, what did you do to get him back?"

marl: "i used a swift "tootsie fist" to teach him a lesson"

by thecarpathean January 11, 2012

3๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Tootsie roll

When in the act of porking a fat chick her blubber rolls.

I totally tootsie rolled your mom last night.
I can't believe Sean tootsie rolled that bitch last night.

by Foxes United January 7, 2011

132๐Ÿ‘ 175๐Ÿ‘Ž