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unload the toad

when someone unload's tahm kench in league of legends.

"i have unload the toad!!"

by Lil-Boe-Peep May 17, 2016

Rogue Unload

Taking a shit outside, or anywhere other than within the confines of a civilised facility.

After that double McD I was busting for a shit so I had to rogue unload on the walk home.

by R.O.I. July 30, 2023

Strategic Unloading

The act of shitting yourself violently at the Home Depot showcase toilets.

Jeremy attempted to show me an act of Strategic Unloading yesterday, however, he was caught by the guards before he managed to make his escape.

by houndeye22 January 15, 2020

Unload, show clear

When you are on a USMC shooting range and have finiahed a drill your coach says this to tell you to clear all rounds from the chamber and take out a magazine if one is inserted. Alternitively, to bust inside a bitch and pull out so that your cock is "clear" of all semen

Sean "bro im gonna unload, show clear in her pussy"
Ryan " yeah do it for the culture"

by Naes218 April 30, 2018