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Withered Cake Hag

A Small and haggardly crone who munches pretty much all the cakes they can find. They won't settle for less and scours all christendom for those fucking cakes. There's a universal dislike for such insufferable creatures. they pretty much ought to be shot for their hit and run attitude to birthday partys

Small boy: "hey look at what i found in this cave dad!"
Father: "Run boy! its that confounded withered Cake Hag!!"

by jemimaaaaa January 4, 2010

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Penis relationship haver wither

An insult suggesting that the receiver has relationships with penises in a sexual manner.

John: Ted you penis relationship haver wither!
Ted: And what? Do you mean by that
John: I mean that you have relationships with penises and you are therefore, a gay.
Ted: Oh...

by Slow_Hands January 19, 2005

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Helping the Hairless Hound Steal the Nuts from the Withered Old Man by the Stinkhole

The longest ever metaphor for masturbation.

As seen in the upcoming film, the Dark Show

Rob: Why is there vaseline in your glove box?
Roy: I use it at stop lights.
Rob: Use it for what?
Roy: I got a spare couple of minutes, might as well spend it by Helping the Hairless Hound Steal the Nuts from the Withered Old Man by the Stinkhole.
Rob: Is that supposed to mean jerking off.
Roy: If you want to be crude about it, then yes, you fucking cunt.

by theDarkShow October 23, 2010

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Jade Withers

a Jade Withers is a superstar wannabe, or it can be used to describe a penis. A Jade Withers can also be used in terms of sex positions or as an alias. Most people by the name of Jade Withers are sexually orientated and get drunk in beach parties, they usually go for English \ Irish men and ginger people. Be cautious of Jade withers as they can be aggressive.

example 1 ''look at the size of my Jade Withers''

Example 2 ''is it me or is she a Jade Withers?''

by L.K.Rowling June 25, 2010

Alfie Withers

When you are able to cheat on your girlfriend multiple times and get away with it.

I pulled an Alfie Withers last night. I got to finger a minor!!!

by AlfieWithersFan September 8, 2021

withered old beast

A big ass dick that's been in far too many vaginas

He slapped that bitch with his withered old beast

by satan666dingus October 27, 2016


Getting head from the same woman 3 times in a night.

That girl was such a whore, she withered me so hard.

by CarlosThyCrab February 2, 2022