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bubble wrap

The single most enjoyable plastic-based product on this earth.

A sheet of thin plastic filled with air bubbles - thus creating a thing for endless hours of popping fun.

Student: What should I subscribe a patient for depression?

Highly knowledgeable doctor bloke: Bubble wrap, you foolish gimp!

by KORG September 3, 2003

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Wrap It Up

A phrase used by mothers to "nicely" tell their children to end an activity. Most commonly followed up with "one sec".

Mom: "Okay, Eric . . . time to wrap it up."
Eric: "Okay one sec."

by TacoMaster33 February 19, 2019

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wrap city

When a said task is completed. The end of something. My guess is a play on the BET show name rap city.

Overheard at work, by the guy with a $400 grill and a shirt that read 'Real money doesn't fold.. It stacks' on top of a pictures of money stacks.

Soon as I'm don't with ______ it's wrap city for me.
Shit, he knocked her up?? It's wrap city for his ass.

by Kevin Michael Jones January 26, 2007

Rims Wrapped

The act of having your anus rimmed while in a truck

Did you hear she had her. . . rims wrapped at the garage?

by RimsWrapper April 7, 2021

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Piss wrapped

A Lancashire phrase for being soaked by rain.

Did you get caught out in that rain, Mike?

Yeah, I got bloody piss wrapped.

by Super Pooper June 28, 2013

wrap rage

Injuring oneself by using a sharp object to try to open hard-to-open plastic packaging like the kind they sell cheap consumer electronics or household items in. Growing phenomenon described in the Pittsburgh Gazette and popularized by Stephen Colbert.

Ironically, he got so caught up in wrap rage that he almost sliced off his finger using a screwdriver to open the package containing an X-acto knife.

by Ben Frey March 28, 2006

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Wrapping Tulips

Slang term for oral sex. Tulips being a play on two lips.

Sid: Hey Nancy, how would you like a job wrapping tulips?
Nancy: Wrapping tulips?
Sid: Yeah, wrapping two lips around THIS?

by Cletus1248 January 20, 2013