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A purple guy with mommy issues.

You are like a Thanos.

by ThoseGuysWithYourMom May 6, 2022


Thanos a character that fortnite made and later got used by marvel for the film infinity war


by Stan Lee official September 13, 2018


A Thicc grape with a nice rock collection and a nice and shiny glove from ebay


by MR-MEME May 6, 2019


The last color of the rainbow.

- what is the color of this grape?
- it’s a thanos grape.

by bitch_lasagna69 December 15, 2018

Professor Thanos

(n.) A teacher who curves a class to fail 50% of students.

Often found in fields of physics or mathematics, a Professor Thanos is attracted to balance and assures the class his grading philosophy “is for your own good.” At the snap of Professor Thanos’s fingers, half of the graduating seniors will simply fade away.

Alan avoided Calculus III because he heard it was taught by a Professor Thanos.

by nolandc October 4, 2019

thanos (aka. the anus)

thanos (mostly known as the anus) is a pruple, big grape with nut sack chin. He has two beautiful daughters (i srsly dont understand how he has kids) and has a big rusty, basball mit. His mission is collect alllllll the beautiful pebbles so he can control the rock conventions he attends to. He is a horrible dad (considering he pulls one apart and kills the other for a pebble). he is T H E A N U S

"Hey, did you hear the new supervillian?"
"Oh yeaaaa huh, Isn't he thanos (aka. the anus)? he looks like a mishappen grape!"
"*gasp* i thought the same!!!

by deeb the mischievous May 21, 2019

Thanos Banana

A purple banana with Thanos' big beautiful chin on it

Hey! look at that thanos banana! I really wanna eat it!

by Furry Boi November 13, 2018